
_ Rheyk Sha'anidad quietly navigated the crowded streets of the Golden Ring that surrounded the largest lake on Tal, his ever-wary eyes keeping vigilant watch over his surroundings and the people therein. An overwhelming majority of such people were...

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Y conocereis la verdad...

Puedo sentir mi pelaje es grueso pero suave, algo enmarañado pero liso,mis gustos son sumamente variados, mujeres y hombres, todo me viene bueno, y he tenido mas pretendientes de ambos generos de los que me gustaria recordar, mis operaciones en la guerrilla

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Entrando en calor

Logre sacar tiempo y aqui esta, aqui es donde comienza la verdadera "accion" entre personajes, en esta ocasion, debo decir que habra contenido sexual, por si alguno de ustedes tiene duda, relaciones sexuales concretamente, gozenlo. Amanecia...

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Part III- Writing Zero's into the Liability Matrix

Kylson couldn't hear the screams of micheal over the thumps and nearby explosions of guerrilla mortar fire, but he knew the raccoon was calling for retreat.

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Ch. 3 - Vive le roi !

De ce que j'avais pu comprendre, par endroit des combats violents faisaient rage entre l'état et des groupes de terroristes dans une sorte de guerrilla.


Chapter 2 - Broken Glass Boogie

No wonder that, amidst all the unrest, a shrewed businessman such as ernesto mortinson could so easily worm his way into garnering the trust of many falzil guerrillas.

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Amores que matan

Pero al parecer se acobardo o fue capturado días antes del inicio de la guerrilla en asía, pues jamás se volvió a saber de el. pero con o sin el, ling iba a atacar.

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The first are the best guerrilla warriors you will ever find. they can extract themselves from just such a scrape as you wished to put them into, and pick off our minions and even us in blind combat. the second, is the most powerful emotion.

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Reaper: Hades - Sherry Stormrock

When she had learned all that she could, she joined the rillotian military and rose through the ranks as one of their best tacticians, tempering the wild nature and guerrilla tactics of the tribals with cool cunning.

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The Proposal

It would take too long and cost too many lives, and i doubt you or anyone else wants a guerrilla war on american soil.

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