The Dragon In The Dungeon: Echoes Of Sin
To her, you simply _are_ illandra. illandra murdered her family when she was young. illandra drove her from the only home she ever knew, and illandra conquered the only land she knew where humans called dragons friend. illandra stole her love from her.
The Ballad of Krek and Valar
In the morning, he would leave to begin his long, difficult trip into illandra, to begin serving the queen. anxiety sat cold and coiled in his belly, sending little tendrils of tingling fear down each limb.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: How Far We Fall
"your mother sees illandra as a criminal. she sees illandra as a murderer, and a thief, and it is that belief that is driving us into ruin, because she refuses to let us act to our strengths. but illandra is not a criminal. illandra is a hunter.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: The Wind That Carries
"no, alia, the spies in illandra stayed in illandra. they sent messages back to aran'alia, and to whatever other places they had embedded themselves in.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: Rise With The Sun
Kathlyn saw illandra as a bully trying to make amends, but such simplicities and compassion did not befit a leader. illandra was no bully. illandra was a righteous conqueror. illandra claimed weaker lands, and made them all a stronger whole.
Alia was sad because the rain in illandra would never be silver. alia had always loved the rain, but she had only known it in illandra. she had only known the rain as most of the world thought of it.
DitD 9 Preview
"this is illandra. it is a free land. there are no laws in illandra against consensual sex of any sort. yes, it may turn the bellies of some to think of a man with a man, or even a woman with a koraa'gi.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: Blood For Blood
They did not have to march on illandra and conquer their capital. they merely had to fight their army to a standstill long enough for illandra to decide victory was not worth the cost.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: The Dread Sky
It sounded so unlike illandra.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: Never Alone
With plenty of time to spare, alia took her time and enjoyed her walk through illandra.
The Dragon In The Dungeon
The others focused on how holding such a powerful yet evil beast captive was a point of pride for illandra. any small kingdom could have a dragon slain with enough forces.
Vatch's Big Stick ( DitD Fan Fiction )
Since alia silverrain had been banished from the dungeons, it had fallen to him to act as warden to the great beast that lived below the city of illandra.