These rough mechanics, held unseen, can spoil the beauty of our silent spaces, take from us the liminality, embroil our lives in cold and tired minutiae.
Spa Day - A Sheepgirl and Wolfgirl one-shot
The era of so-called 'monsters' needing to hide from humanity had ended, but some liminals remained reluctant to talk to humans. that's where fellow liminals like kehp came in, helping fearful cultures open up just like she had.
But the liminal space that lies between them is my domain. it is thought, among mortals, that if death refuses to pick up the thread of your life, then you will live forever. it's not so, though.
The Skin Cycle IV: Forest Dark
Barely a creature, hardly a human-- liminal being, just as i-- a phantom, a smile in the fog, not seen-- a crying laugh, unintelligible to the ears of the living.
Red Ambrosia
Posted using postybirb thanatos felt the tug of a fated soul's thread being cut, and in a flash of the liminal magic that was his alone he left the house of hades to appear in the mortal world.
IZ Fanfic: The Alien in the Backrooms (Reader x Pred)
As you walk through this magenta, liminal labrynth, you notice some interesting details. the walls and floor are made of that same metal, with the same wires and pipes running across them.
Internal Audit
liminality's storage, it happens, is not only a mess, but also handled uniquely. "of course!"
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Preface
Of the were-animal is representative, after all, of the human behaving, for once in his life, truthfully...he becomes, at last, his true form, overriding his ostensibly pious but in fact grotesquely subversive life-programming to physically manifest as a liminal
The Devil's Convenience
A liminal space! so yeah, some people call these thresholds i was talking about "liminal spaces". i call them wawa -- or at least, the one i found _was_ a wawa.
All in all it was like being in that place between sleep and wakefulness - that liminal world where all things were possible. the only thing i wanted was an end to it, and that i could not get. i would need some help. 'this has to be a dream. luna!
Twinks Across America: Ch. 30 - Mississippi
We merely enjoyed the liminal isolation of the swimming pool, sometimes playing games like swimming races while occasionally exchanging a subtle grope or quick fondle.
Predscape Travel Blog - HT
However, the hotel is liminal. it truly feels like a place between. from my discussions with the representative and the con chair, i've come to the conclusion that it's not meant to feel like a home at all.