Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners

Though most people would naturally avoid such a territory, orcs - and their frequent allies, the wargs - were an exception, and mordor was no different.

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Of Deserts and Skies

A...shoutout of sorts to [blackfanged\_leopard]( "blackfanged\_leopard"), my best friend in all of mordor. and a compilation of..recent feelings per se. have been...a storm, heh.

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'Lordy, The Rings!' or 'Geno and the Spider'

Marcel was having another nightmare, a frequent occurrence since he had become ring bearer and one that was becoming more and more common as they approached mordor.

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Middle-Earth: Shadow of Slavery

This is a little story that gives you some behind the scenes in mordor. what happens when an uruk is branded, and how does he spread that brand to his subordinates?

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Max Myers and The Alien Invasion Chapter..3

The man said which made max to rise his eye brow while holding his arms crossed over his chest, "so you possibly know where mordor or rivendell is." max asked making legolas to quirk his eye brow, "no i never heard of them."

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Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)

**number nine** **middle earth: shadow of mordor** **-** though not part of the canonical lore of the lord of the rings (at least as far as i am aware; feel free to correct me) this was a _fun_game back when i played it.

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Song of the Huntress - Part 2

May you all burn, either now or in mordor on the morrow." somehow celandine managed to pick the lock that was trapping them, the three rushed over to join their fourth. amdir's breath was rapid and short.


Easterling Endurance

There was no noise in the clearing except for the errant fluttering of a mordor banner stuck into the ground. he walked over the corpses and inspected the scene. "explains the smell..."

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On the Wickedness of the Fallen Ones

The ringbearer and his fellowship as decided by the council of elrond have gone hence to the very heart of mordor.

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Make Like Dillinger (Act2, Book2, Chapter1)

Sounds like a dark country beneath mordor." karla changed her voice, trying poorly to emulate a movie advertisement narrator. "crossing the dark bowels of balmoral was a deadly game, with the eye of mordor watching them in the distance." "karla!

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The Porn Note, Chapter 13: Problems Inherent in the System

Forget the fact that they would have to get through a huge amount of undead land, with poisonous gases and a climate that made mordor look like a vacation destination, but they'd have to deal with someone that could kill them anytime he wanted, as long as

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Somewhere Out There Act 12 - The Boy Who Destroyed The World

Besides that, i recently started playing shadow of mordor, and holy fishsticks. talk about a badass simulator. i mean, i played through batman: aa, and assassin's creed 2, but dayyymn if mordor isn't one of the best damn games i've ever played.

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