Middle-Earth: Shadow of Slavery

Goroth leaned one meaty forearm against the jagged rocks that made up the stone ridges along the course of the Black Road, his other arm noisily unbuckling his armor. With a sigh of relief he hauled out his thick green orcish meat and let loose a...

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Song of the Huntress - Part 2

"heather, how did you know to ask if this was middle-earth?" "about seventy years ago, my time, a professor at one of our great universities - a center of learning - wrote several books set in middle-earth.


On the Wickedness of the Fallen Ones

middle-earth would fall to his masters, that much was certain. the albhs would kill him and eat his flesh but it would not hold back the armies of sauron.

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The beginning of the end

earth, in most cases its one of the first two but for one tiger, a white tiger with the typical black stripped patterning, it meant the start of the worst night in his lifetime.

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The Lonely King

Riches such as these belong only to one as superior as i and are the envy of all middle earth. few see beyond my intimidating physical attributes--truly, who can blame them? i am _magnificent_. but...

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Character Profile: The Black Knight

This aside, he tends to be seen as a very reputed enigma.history:history of the black knight strands back sometime during the dawning of middle earth; whether he existed before or after said time remains anonymous.


Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 25: Plush Reawakening

Lots of people have used them to create models of fantasy worlds, especially the popular ones like middle earth. several of the online social societies have them, too.

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Lusts of the Gods

They lay there a moment, high above egypt, between space and middle earth, then they plummeted down to the temple, isis's transparent form disippating to nothing in anubis's arms.

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 3 Version 2.0

After finding a comfortable position to sit in, jacob cracked open the book and delved into the world of middle earth.

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Chapter 3

Aristellians may have been around for aeons, but to many lay inhabitants of the vast amount of planets in the universe, immortal beings are but a fable, much like the elves of middle-earth. "just get what you need."

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Dungeons and Dickings

Guild perilous are a group of adventurers who have banded together to brave the world of carnaleria - your everyday middle-earth type fantasy land... ...except the monsters don't want to kill you. oh no. first they're going to fuck you. up.

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