Fallen - Chapter 5 - Shadow Games
Julius emerged from the old, abandoned subway via a public staircase that was surrounded by crumbled buildings and other debris. Almost twenty years ago, a powerful bomb had exploded, causing extensive damage to the nearby towers which collapsed and...
Mopar: College Story Part 1
It was quite a cold Saturday night, Mopar sitting on his dorm bunk and reading up on his favorite novel, "I, Sniper" once again, deeply suspended in a cliff-hanging tale where the former sniper took a fatal shot at the enemy. He laid across his...
Risen: Infiltration pt1
This is about three years old; I merely changed some of the dialogue and the like. If you think I am editing the entire thing, you're funny. --- "I look so stupid..." Serthal was looking down at the reflective water below him, scowling in...
Forgotten: Registration
**Hey, really sorry for lack of updates; Been waiting on editors and lack of inspiration. Anyway, here is next chapter of Forgotten.** Kay sat in the room as she was told, leaning against the wall, waiting for this Illthian dragon to show up. She...
Stranger in the rain: The Stranger (Preview)
Stranger in the Rain: The Stranger (incomplete, part 1) By Jet D. Wolf I followed behind him as he walked ahead. Looking around, I saw the poor state of most of the buildings. Most of them looked like they had been that way...
I'm Sorry
**Just an FYI, I use Yards instead of ft. Kilometers instead of miles. Etc. Dracidon is what I use for people.** _Focus...focus...._ The word repeated itself multiple times in the young dragoness's head. Although the room was dark, she could tell...
"Then and Now" - Day 1 and Day 2
**As this is my first ever submission of a fur story, I have decided to post twice as much as I would do under normal circumstances. I hope that gives everyone a good taste of what they're reading. If you find any mistakes, please point them out so I...
Sunrise... Sunset Ch.2
This chapter is rated mature as there are sexual theme's but no actual sex involved. chapter 3 coming up. * * * ~ * * * tension hung in the air; low and sickening.
A Promise to Keep
"How goes the conflict?" Duchess Valda leaned forward, seated in her throne as she attended court for the day. Standing before her were the captains of her military forces; the captain of the guard and high captain of the Windseer armed forces and his...
Demonic Confessions
Edit @ 4:20 AM: I hope you guys know how much I like you. I couldn't fall asleep until I put in a few characters descriptions that I forgot. **Dracidon = People. Draconia = Persona.** **This was more of an idea dump that I've built up over the years....
Chapter 4 "From past to a new day"
### [Chapter 4](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21466846/chapters/51215917): Chapter 4 "From past to a new day" ### Chapter Text Chapter 4 "From past to a new day" There is one thing that I've learned about conflict... Conflict never ends. We...
Chapter 3 "The lessons we take"
Chapter 3 "The lessons we take" ACT 1 (Fallout 4 OST - The Stars My Solace) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tAA1rX9OGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tAA1rX9OGM) "Damnit... You were better at this once..." A figure in the shadows...