Retro Fueled
retro fueled, by dragonmasterx. down by the corner of the sixth, there used to be a thrift store that also dealt in electronics.
The Basics of Roger Draco's Bio
The relationship between retro & the rebels of the quellers is similar to a mafia boss & his thugs, only they are not the antagonists.
Total Nerdgasm
"i've been watching you closely, retro!" tori says with a large, warm smile on her face.
Dimension 67 Volume 1 Synopsis WIP
retro is also the manager of the local retro pop culture & history protecting vigilantes, named the rebels of the quellers.
Dimension 67, Issue 1 Overview
Ike becomes better acquainted with the quellers, who are local guardians of history & retro pop culture, but also keep bigotry in line, learns about their history, he gets acquainted with their primary employer, retro nostalgia, who is the patron of the r
Capsule - Prologue + Chapter 1
# Capsule Written by Stibby # Capsule - Prologue Looking back, I can pinpoint the exact moment my very regular life and future, began to deviate and lead me down this path. That single news broadcast from ages ago was the exact moment everything...
Chimera: Arrival
He walked over to the rack sitting next to his pod, a large oval-ish cylinder with fins at the top, and retro-rockets at the bottom for decceleration, and he began to don his equipment.
david's college days part thirty
They were now photoing stuff and then putting it online to sell not amazon but there own shop if you wanted something like a cd then it would automate go to the retro shop.
Unexpected Bromance Character Sheet #1
Hobbies: muscle-building, weight-lifting, boxing, and retro video gaming. (he collects video game systems from 1970--1995.)
Deer Chosen One Version 1.01
Just join, go to dl-game-links, and click download in the bottom right corner underneath deer chosen one version 1.01): []( patreon ($2 & up monthly retro-tier patrons; $3 & up monthly non-retro-tier
david's college days part thirteen
After a long hour of talking with the manger he said "i like this shop it could be good business and bring in more customers, when can you set up this so call retro land shop?" "well don't i have to have a shop first?"
Team 8 Ball: Arena Mechanized Combat
With only monents to think, mac ignited the front retro-thrusters and managed just barely miss all but a couple of the mini-missles while landing with a loud thud inside the canyon.