Quaking Though you are not with me I can fell you Though your skin isn't pressed to my lips I can smell you All of you Your body and skin call out to me in writhing need Oh, that wonderful scent of iron That ever sweet, rusty, life source My...
Poem for Children Wishing to Summon Evil Spirits
On Hallow's Eve, beneath the sky Take the implements described To some obscure, untraveled place, The knife, the flame, the words to say. A pentagram would surely do, But pick which symbol pleases you And draw it out with steady care, Then...
Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 4
He didn't realize when his eyes closed, and he had no idea what was going on around him; he didn't feel anything but the taste of his lips, the light tremble before baum also leaned forward, pushing back into the kiss, their lips finally locking in that tender
Preachers, and prophets, push truth like drugs. My mind feels gross like slimy slugs. I'm confused, and used, so used, so, can't I sleep forever tonight? I'm too tired tonight, and I've fucked up again. Desire over chastity, I don't think Anne...
A Taste for It
A taste for it * * * she was waiting on the couch for me when i came home. naked of course, she says that it lets her rusty fur dry naturally and stay soft and shiny. unless someone comes calling, there's really nothing to complain about.
Zhaiothe Part 1 - The Taste Of Regret
It tasted like metal. but with a light, sugary sensation to it.
burning thoughts
Eyes floating in my mind lost in my thoughts of your beautiful skin, feeling your taste and sound run through me as i think of your eyes still staring at me in my mind burning a hole into my soul
Bobby 02 - Up Close
"but it doesn't taste bad?" lum shook his head. "does the milk taste like that?" "no, the milk taste different."
Starry night
#4 of poetry ~ across the dim room a silhouette inviting me with it's eyes to the bed a thousand and one starry night couldn't compare to your gentle touch a ballad of tastes and smells a rush of blood, a haze of breath your chest raises,
A Taste of Affection
Stavoros circled that particular area, sampling the taste with quick dabs of his tongue. makaidos' toes curled with delight. he coiled his tail around one of stavoros' legs, dragging it towards him.
A Taste of Brandy
The musky taste on brandy's tongue was only stronger each time she'd swallow to gain moisture. it wasn't a usual sweaty taste, it was almost sweet and smelled like copper.
A Taste of Summer
Every sight, every scent, every taste and sound that assaulted his powerful senses was a thing of beauty., a new adventure waiting to be experienced.