Fox McCloud and the Big Bad Star Wolf

#1 of star fox: rewired in a timeline with no lylat war, fox mccloud is just an aspiring fighter pilot, hoping to one day join his father's prestigious mercenary outfit, star fox.

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Female-on-male Tickle Rape: Fox McCloud

''uuuh hi tklyn, i'm fox mccloud! i was wondering if you can help me.'' ''what can we help you with..... fox mcsexy?'' she flirted, creeping him out. ''w-well..... you see, i'm......... kinda lost, and..........

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Fox McCloud's Growth Spurt - A Trade with Juano

"is mccloud?" "it can't be! what the hell is that?"

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Roses Drifting: Panther Caroso and Fox McCloud

A slightly au-ish fic that begins before the lylat wars, whilst fox mccloud is still in training at the cornerian military academy, his father james still alive, and the original starfox team still operating.

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Fox McCloud to Queen Scales (Full Story)

:d -planet sauria- general scales: so you are the famous fox mccloud. more like like an annoyance. you let that blue bitch krystal get away. however you gave her a ticket out of here in which is the only ship you would have take.

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But then panther grinned, as he knew that he, wolf, and leon could have a whole lot of fun with fox mccloud, and probably the rest of his crew.

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DragonZ Chapter 7 --End of Act 1--

I looked back up to see fox mccloud, falco lombardi, slippy toad, peppy hare, sasha mchardy, gun bunny, kelsey sillian, wolfgang rasputin, and kiddo garrus looking at me, with smiles of appreciation. "adrian.

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Super Smash Half-Brothers?

Real name's james 'fox' mccloud, junior." fox replies. link blinks. "really?" "yeah.

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Chapter I

"ah mr fox mccloud i have been informed of your arrival right this way please." the energetic doe motioned for them to follow her. she lead them down several corridors until they reached an elevator.

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The Hunger of Scales Chapter 1

It was everywhere, no matter if you were coasting through the stars, resting on some desolate planet with civilization occupying about 0.3% of the planet's surface, or like fox mccloud and his crew, waiting for the call for a new mission.

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Zero Point: Second Arc 1

As the title says this is a second storyline arc following fox mccloud, famous starfighter pilot and protagonist of the star fox game series.

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The General's Feast (Commission for Michael Grey)

His saliva-coated tongue slathered around hungrily, and just beyond it was a tunnel into a dark abyss, one that fox mccloud would never return from. he didn't even have time to think.

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