A Dream to wake you up Part two.

They all were dragons but they had a different color from each other. "what do you want?" the girl spoke with a gentle and sweet voice. "i know what happened and i know what you can do. lith please here us out."

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The Power of Love: Assignments (Part II)

He couldn't remove the chains himself â€" they were dragon-forged, and burned horribly when he tried to touch them. but a _normal_ fur could unhook the chains as if they were regular old steel.

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31'St century fantasy things part 1

New blood dragons were dragons that were older than whelps but still very inexperienced in most things. even if you were smart though you remained a newblood if you were under 2 and a half dragon years.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 25)

Spyro on the other hand had been taught to fight many ways during the war, he had been taught by more races throughout avalar than there were dragons staying at the temple.

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Lizards of War (Chapter 1)

The family of these were half bred with a dragon and lizard hybrid, with dark green skin and with 4 little spikes on both sides of their jaw, and 2 horns growing out of their head, as if they were dragons without wings.

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Dracara Preview (novel)

These weren't dragons in a bipedal stance like they had in the south, these were dragons that flew and breathed fire. they brought rain down on whatever they saw fit, and in this case, it was the small town of farule.

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The Story of I-Am, the creation story of the Thirteen Children of Power

So it was that they were dragons, named the third children of i-am, third children of power.

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Jewel's Treasure

So long as dragons helped out and weren't a burden, it didn't matter if they were dragons or lungs or drakes or coatyls or wyverns. all were welcome and all were friends, apart from that one key taboo.

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Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 20

Inside were dragons that were either dead or badly disfigured. when the door opened, they recoiled and backed against the wall, eyes wide with fear. "you can't save them now," tanor said. "their minds have been broken."

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Omisa's life Drai

They, of course, were dragons, but only one type of dragon in the world. "i think we need to eat something before we start this...yiss." drai said, grimacing and the word yiss.

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Chapter 5: The False Preacher

They were dragon like in appearance similar to mine. as the creature moved closer it's red eyes disappeared. "i didn't mean to scare you... i apologize. my name is deemona." he explained to us. "why were you watching us?

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Through the Horizon: Sebastian Part 1

Some were fox, some wolf, and some human while others were dragon. jonathan smiled proudly as he announced, "gentleman, what you see here is the best of the best. each console controls a unique system here in the facility.

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