Fast Casting (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the jackalope squared himself up in front of the register, to pull a small metal lantern from under his coat. he held it out, in silence, towards the phoenix.

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The Back Room- Prologue

Aros' foggy mind doing register the fact that somebody was following him, nor did it register the sharp prick in his neck before it was too late and his vision was already turning black as he started to pass out.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 19

She nodded and left the register to inform kit and jen what was happening with the lunch arrangements. when jen showed up to cover the register spec headed up to the apartment with cindy.

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Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 7, Luke 1

You'll need to register to a specific pokemon center and you can name her there. also, she doesn't belong to luke, she belongs to you since your the guardian in the house.

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I am the Manager

Marissa included, who took over the register for me while avoiding eye contact with me or the two wolves. nobody could blame her for that. "mr. and mrs.

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Reservior Cats

The clerk opened the cash register and tried to give max the money but max just smacked him. "put the money in a damn bag.. and put my drinks in their too," max said as he put the energy drinks on the counters.

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Christopher's Journey in Johto, Chapter 4 (Teaser)

"you should register her then." "right." i selected the scan option and held the device at arms-length towards cynder.

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Escape Pt. 1

The tight squeeze around your body hadn't properly registered till now, the slick sheen look of it made it easy to identify as latex but your mind was in no shape to think about it for very long.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 14

Information appeared in front of him, the suit calibrating, with a requested for implant connection flashing, then register an error and vanish.

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Fallon's Folly

When he got to the registers fallon found his ordeal was still not over, there were three registers open and even the express line had a line.

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Special Missive

Windtalon still didn't register the words, all he knew was that the hold on his horns tightened and the fucking against his maw sped up, growing angrier.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Preparing For Wallace

Rotom registered the new entry while milotic swam me up to the surface so i could get a breath of air ready for the next dive down. "clamperl has been registered to your pokedex. clamperl the bivalve pokemon a water type.

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