Easy hard reset

I'm aware that there must be someone. but you know, it's of no use if i can't even tell. if i'm supposed to believe that when there's no proof, i could also believe there's life on other planets. i mean, there must be. it only makes sense."

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Deep Space - Chapter 4, Logic

there's no such thing as magic, and no there's such thing as dravinity. end of story." "okay, there may not be such a thing as dravinity- in your opinion- but there is magic."


Twins In Love Become One

A week here, a week there but they always found there way back together. years past and the rents gave up. it had to be a faze, they would grow out of on there own.

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Chapter 1: Pretty Lights

there were bears, there were rabbits, there were bugs, there were coons and there were small birds. this wood was avoided by many travelers, as it always seemed devoid of any other 'life'. by that, they were referring to human life.

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A Very Special Somepo...uh...Person Chapter 1 Rewrite

Well, there was no way that was going to happen so he turned around to head in a different direction when he heard a kindly voice calling out to him. "hello there! can i help you?"


Warrior's Blood, Chapter 19: Warrior's Wrath

"there's a field near the northern barrier; set down there, and the humans will be there. i already have the clan carrying orasin, ureth, krain and lemnir there so you can revive them." "we'll be right there." "all right."

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Unenlightened 6

there was nothing,nothing at all. just black. but there was something. there was me wasn't there? i looked down,my body was just floating,or was it standing? i don't know,it could be both at the same time somehow.

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Voyager: Chapter 16

there were things... people. there were people there, walking around in the night. they stayed behind a barrier, a fence, to keep the creatures out. it kept the collectors out, but there were no collectors around. primary directive moved them.

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Blackmailed pt. 3

It was easier, with sam there, for his cock to get hard and he didn't even have to think of the other stallion when his shiny coat was right there in front of him.

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Forest Felines

They then left not knowing that it was the boys whom killed there second mom or that they where looking for the girls planning to make them both there's.

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