Turning Back the Clock

He slowly hoisted himself upwards, swaggering toward the door frame, ducking beneath it just a bit before he turned the corner and moved into the bathroom. john turned on the sink, cupped water in his hands before he brought them over his face.

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A drastic turn for the worse

.** a drastic turn for the worse as whitetip looked down at what lay on the bed in front of him he had to admit to himself that the night had seemingly taken a drastic turn for the worse.

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The Turning Part 1

#1 of the turning the turning part 1 some people go through life never knowing who they really are. the luckiest know who they are from the beginning, and they use that knowledge to get ahead and succeed.

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Prolouge: A Wrong Turn

With the last of his strength jonah reached out towards his furry friend before his body turned limp, and his vision went dark.

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Turning Tides of Change

When i feel the turning tides of change. when i feel the turning tides of change.

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An Unexpected Turn of Events

It must not have bothered her too much as i heard the familiar crunching sounds before i could even turn around to head back towards the living room.

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One Wrong Turn

Desperate, he tried to pull out his other foot in the hopes of possibly turning around, but it ended with the same results as last time, now both his bare feet stuck in over the ankles in the almost hot tar, his shoes gone under the surface, never to be seen

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Turning Dean Out

I could make you up real nice again and you could turn a few tricks on your own." "i've got a few new outfit for you hanging in the closet, and there's some makeup in the bathroom to freshen you up with." "turn tricks?"

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Snapshots - Turn About

_ _ **turn about** _ new year's eve was no time to be alone. that scenario, however, was the last thing on tony's mind.

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Turn Around (Revised)

His ears remained back as i walked away from him, turning and picking up the camera.

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Turn Around 2

turn around two. "wow, i hope the a.c. is working here..." the black wolf said turning to his part vulpine companion.

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