Emerald Maiden Chapter 6: The Lake

After telling us about her own maiming, mother told us about how one of her sisters had lost a leg, and shortly after, had slept with the stump resting under her against some gravel.

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Strangers After All: Part III

Loose gravel crunched, keys jangled, a plastic bag rustled; still, i was blind to anyone's approach. i was also very frightened. it's a terrifying thing to have something and then have it suddenly taken away.

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The New Wolf Chapter 10

_ ### i tapped my foot onto the gravel parking lot. my boxes were on top on my car, tape gun laying on top of them. what is taking him so long? i paced around my car, kicking up dirt and gravel on the ground.

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Fish and Lilypad

The rain fell on the hillside and bubbled up from the gravel, which was simple enough. but where did black brook's water disappear to? she went to find dad. she soon found glyn working on the mower in the biggest hay barn.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-three

We got a break when we reached a small, trimmed bush sitting in the gravel dip of the landscape; the gravel bits were painfully hard on my untested paws. a dog had marked on the bush. "spinner!"

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Bottle Rockets.

The engine revved loudly as she stomped her foot down, and the turnoff onto the ancient gravel road came into view, barely visible under a single dim streetlamp.

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Prewar's Bud

He felt the entire car wrench backward as the gravel collapsed under it.

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Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 6

Lannon blinked again and scooted a little closer, comb falling forgotten to the gravel of the bank, other paw pressing into that densely muscled thigh for balance. "can you tell me?"

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Dog park (Commision for DefenderJdog 1.01)

Ordinary noise of city life was muffled by the surrounding trees and serenity was interrupted only by crackling of gravel under the sneakers of a lone passerby.

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 2

_ the gravel hit it hard but it quickly began rolling to his right... where the barricade was angled. _yes!_ he lengthened the barrier, guiding the accelerating gravel _away_ from himself and rex.

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Sales in the Park (Otherwise Untitled)

He slid up onto his feet to stride across the gravel path, ducking under a particularly low hanging branch.

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Making My Mark

gravel massages my feet. the sound of boots against metal echoes its way up the stairs. my whole body goes cold. if there was any chance of calming down, it disappears entirely.

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