Welcome To The Machine

The tape was labelled: welcome to the machine * * *

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A day at Market

Looking through the cartons of milk, he pulled them out and read the labels carefully. one always had to be careful when purchasing milk to read the fine print - more than once he took a swig from the jug only to fine that it was "bull's milk" instead.

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Chimera - Chapter 2

A less tiring duty than unloading, but extremely boring compared to the number of labels he saw passing before his eyes. he sat down for a moment, in order that breathe a bit and rub his eyes.

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Beth and the dragoness

Beth could barely read what the old labels said but what she could read looked to say mead. she knew what mead was but this stuff had to be so old that it would taste dreadful. it dawned on her that this cave was well lit but where was it coming from?

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Zara 3

He would always be labeled as that weird morph. names, labels, insults, they would never end. _leave-me-alone-leave-me-alone-leave-me-alone-leave-me-alone-leave-me-alone-leave--_ "'everyone just leave him be!'" shouted a concerned voice. a caring voice.

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The Slaves of Paine Ch.1 Waiting

She looked at her favorite chair immediately confused, then the labeled remotes, then she saw me... little me all strung up, naked, full, and waiting.

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Sight of the Heart, Prologue & chapter I

I will touch you" he grabs her arm roughly and begins pulling her to the room where her clothes have been put away in drawers that have been labeled in large print and brail labels.

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My Happiness - Chapter 1

I didn't like to give people labels, i just treat them like everyone else, as people. "hey cody." i say back. "hey, so what's up?" he asks. "oh nothing, just about to pass out from frustration. same ol' like everyday." "i can tell.

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Short tails always are held high

The tiger grins and pulls out a collar placing it firmly onto the girls neck and attaching a small square case onto the collar, its labelled 'slut' but seeing a slight blinking the doe curiously whined the tiger grins.

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They appeared simple, two ornate brass levers and a hand crank, with a series of small, labelled buttons.

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Anea quietly drifted away from the counter to look at a few bowls of seeds but wasn't able to yet read the labels.

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The handout seemed incomplete, though, as one of the labels a the bottom was mostly cut off, with a blank white section on the bottom of the page.

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