"Escape From Paw City"

#1 of stories (nsfw) in this story, romeo del zorro and his girlfriend jelly-ann break into paw city, the wealthiest sex club in the world. after securing the target, romeo sets off an alarm and must escape the club alive!

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El Secreto de Tora: La confusión del amor.

Echó un vistazo luego al pequeño zorro mioko, que se había quedado durmiendo con él para que bryce cuidara del otro tigre, y sonrió levemente contento. si no iba a poder pegar ojo, iría a ver por cual santa razón era.

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The Line (Roger and Julie Book 2 Part 1)

A prop that also happened to work with his zorro outfit. with a wide swipe of the weapon he made as to sheath it at his side. "ramiro el ladrillo is no slave to time." he insisted with an over-the-top spanish accent.

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Caza del zorro Episode 1 (pilot)

In a world were humans and furs live, furs have been subjected to unfair treatment. As civilization progresses to the middle aged time, were castles of royals stand tall, furs remained below the humans, constantly rounded up and sold as slaves. If...

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Aqueronte 2. Oraculo

Despertó de golpe, para ver la cabeza de un león que le estaba golpeando el hocico suavemente con su garra, un zorro rojo y liuva. el león sonrió al ver que el perro despertaba y feliz dijo -veo que has conocido al oráculo- .

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La suya era un gran lobo negro y sus compaã±eros eran un tigre, un zorro y un rinoceronte.

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Dusk's Adventure day 4

Dusk: \*happily pat his 3'750 pound belly\* true, or bipedal asha: that too~ dusk: i see raiden: \*enters with zorro, marsha, leia, posi, and nega\* gang's all here~ ready to go? asha: i am~ lumen: me too~! dusk: let's go raiden: okay.

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A Stitch in Time pt. 3

Vulpines were zorros or zorrs, felines were felixes or feli, and mustilids were le pews or lappe." "i always wondered about that," gwen said. "so what exactly was this le pew?" "a 20th century animated vid character," the todd said.

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A Magical Halloween

Since no one was aware that feral's mate was chance and only a tiny few were aware it was t-bone, the tabby decided to dress up as zorro. he looked very dashing with his mask, cape, boots, and sword.

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Como destrozar una vida.

Al tirar del pomo de un mueble empotrado de color miel, el cuerpo inerte de la mujer zorro se derrumbó en el suelo. leo no pudo evitar dar un tremendo grito de miedo al ver a la mujer del violador estrangulada, y salió corriendo de aquella casa.

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1. Randolph

La familia estaba formada por un viejo zorro rojo cuyo hocico era gris, su mujer, muy amable, aunque poco habladora, y su encantadora hija, una zorra joven, de buenos modales que aspiraba a ser una buena esposa.

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Sorpresa, segunda parte

Al echar un vistazo se sorprende al ver la garra de su pareja sobre la pierna del zorro. traga saliva, conteniendo los deseos de entrar para pedir una explicación. sin embargo, sabe que no debe tomar conclusiones aceleradas.

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