Sand and Blood, Part 2
The sandskimmer leapt across the dunes with a dull and harmonious buzzing roar. its riders were both just as equally angry at their situation.
Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas
Born and raised in dusty dunes until i was nineteen, then i moved out to live in koopamuir." "and what is your experience with the tga?"
The Human Species Ch. 86 - Deserted Child Zorua
An area abandoned by mother nature, the long dunes of sand and rock marking the world like a bald spot, a scar that refuses to heal.
Shifting Sands
Wind blew through dunes of the turanian desert. spiraling dust devils threw small debris of stone and branches every which way. smooth, hard stone marked what was left of roads in the exiled lands.
Kinktober 2021 Sketches 6-10
, of laughing, of the occasional car as it pulled into the parking lot of the beach, just over this dune he faced.
A Night in the Sands
After climbing the nearby dune, they looked back, only to find the tent gone; empty, barren desert stretching off in all directions.
Chimerical 124
Or would you rather live in dune?" the dainty suthay asks excitedly. "dune is nice, but some areas are dangerous and this one would worry for you." nish replies. nish's family and friends gather around him, thankful that he will live.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 32
Above his head were more bars, slowly being topped with snow like little dunes. every so often a dune would grow too big and the whole thing would slide down and fall to the bottom of the cage, making a newer, bigger one.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 40
That feeling of familiarity... after a while you end up in a city, clearly not nanabad as this one is surrounded by dunes and dunes only... and nanabad has a great lake. supposedly. ''any idea where we are?'' pyranna asks.
Just Desert
Then stepped off over the edge into a downward slide to the base of the dune.
Shocking Experience
Fido had found the blue dunes waterline. this was cause for further celebration. but...that was for another story altogether.
M'arrillian dungeon fun
It was getting dark by the time xelfe had returned, the soft moans and grunts of the two mipedians had caused him to wonder what his companions were up to, so he made his way over and peered over a sand dune and gasped in surprise.