Stranger(s) in a Strange Land

Luke chuckled with him as they reached the kiosk that sold fish. luke was conversing with the shop keep about what fish were best this season.

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Revved Up - Shiny Koraidon TF

The nurse handed peter's pokémon back to him after they were healed, the man thanking her before turning his attention to the shop kiosk to restock his ultra ball supply.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 25

He stopped at the first information kiosk and slipped in the chips. one came back with an error message. data, not money. the other two had money. the amount looked reasonable, and it was followed with a symbol he didn't recognize.

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Electric Touch: Chapter 10 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

As he went to the kiosk, he noticed that the tickets for the kids movie were about to be sold, so he hurried up to get them. soon, he was back in the dining room, having launch with everyone who was going to the cinema.

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Virtuos Roads of Intention

Approaching the north east village block, marcus weaved his way through outdoor kiosks and push carts hawking various rainbow streaked clothing and tye dyed creations and gaudy fashions that included many small and large dangly ear rings of questionable faux

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Papa hatte einen kleinen kiosk, und mama arbeitete als putzfrau bei der verwaltung. mein bruder hatte heute die vollen sechs stunden unterricht, käme also auch erst in zwei stunden nach hause.

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A Settled Heart: Part 1

The wolf walked away from the sasktel kiosk with a feeling of satisfaction and almost giddiness. some of his friends probably thought he was dead.

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Messy Boy: The Wettening

By the time we'd reached a directory kiosk, i was having difficulty keeping my hands still. "s-- so bad... so m-- messy..." "hmm? what is it, kiddo?" daddy turned from the map, smirking as he watched me struggle to keep my hands off my padding.

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Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 19: Verändertes Spiegelbild

Nachdem sie sich ausgetobt hatten und genug wasser geschluckt hatten um damit ein weiteres schwimmbad füllen zu können, zogen sich ryo und revan auf ihren platz zurück, während die anderen beiden zum kiosk verschwanden.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 3 The Nightmare

Then he ran to a bullet board that had an newspaper stand next to it, he went on to the stand and a man inside the kiosk asked. ''how can i help you?'' ''oh yes, i need the date of today please.''

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the Wolves Chapter 7: wolf hunt

They were huddled in a bus kiosk. reist was leaning against the flimsy wall, lost in thought. trick was staring at a small billboard. _we need to disappear..._ the signs on the billboard were mostly about lost pets, or requests for pets.

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More flower shops and kiosks have been appearing out of nowhere, and selling stuff for dirt cheap. sponsored by you." "you can't possibly blame me." that damn sneer again. "it's simply capitalism at play.

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