Macro Tyler March #10 - Plausible Size Difference
It may not look it from your perspective anymore but you know i'm a beast. i'm not saying that to brag or be up my own ass it's just true.
The Baroness, Part I
The Baroness Part I "Welcome to Mendoza, Señor." The skunk leans herself against the balcony, inserting herself into the postcard imagery behind her. Despite the Francophonic accent, Lilac manages to become one with the scenery. She wears the...
Macro Tyler March #7 - Vore
You'll also get access to the latest version of changing perspectives again, a choose your own adventure story with almost 200,000 (yes that is the correct number of zeros) words of content, as soon as it's available!
Head in the Clouds
There is no absolute perspective so you can't **have** a right perspective. and who says your perspective is right anyway?" "me and my perspective." "that... that makes no sense! w.. what are you really?"
Cuboned by Love
* * * * perspective-switch: human * * * * "pokéballs, go!"
Purity of the feline Part 4
I looked at her, and sexual thoughts came in to my head, i stopped, and tried to get some perspective. she was my sister; nothing could ever happen between us.
Writing Tips vol. 3
One final note on perspective: having your viewpoints switch during a sex scene can serve you very well.
Perspectives: Part 2 - Dragon's Routine
Sleeping happily in the baking sun's rays, he became rudely awakened by the sudden force of a human against his gut. Kelekona, or at least the name he was given by those that worshiped him, sighed in annoyance. Looking down at the human which called...
Perspectives: Part 1 - Human Adoration
Lazing on the tropical beach that a small tribe called home on their equally tiny island, lay a man on top of the belly of a dragon, both lazing despite the day having barely started. A human with dark tanned skin as a great contrast to the beast whom...
Seleno Chapter 2: Changing Perspective
'Tick tock tick tock tick tock' The clock continued its countdown... I was sitting in biology staring at said clock, as the time before the end of school dwindled. Tick tock tick tock. Man, Why does it feel like the ticking sound is drilling into my...
Seeing Things From A New Perspective
;) seeing things from a new perspective by squeekykitty the panther squeaked softly as he walked down the hallway to the party, his new suit was shined to perfection and he was feeling confident he'd turn a few heads with the glossy blackness that
Cold Blood 16: Forced Perspective
#16 of cold blood cold blood chapter 16 forced perspective a story by onyx tao [ this story is licensed under the creative commons attribution noncommercial share alike 3.0 license copyright 2008 by onyx tao ](%5c)[