Guadalupe (5)

No authority figures, no number-crunchers and cold storage utilities, no jail-time incarceration or court hearings, no resolute income and certainly no community-based assistance. just a "guilty!"

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One Memorable Journey Pg.9

In all honestly the chance of this turning into a full blown war is pretty fucking high but there's still a chance it doesn't and this ends up with a peaceful resolution."

greek mythos

Giving lovers prize runing his golden hand through a maze of chest of white veiws his lover cheerful fright as his member now rears as steday stream of love so dear down the his lover's lion throat reaching the climax of his extasy intense resolution

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Remembering The Past

I may not always like where it leads me, but like any story, the past needs resolution" -unknown authors note: anything appearing in italics will be something that happened in the past or a memory of chance i do not own the swat kats and seek no profit

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#20 of jake resolutions and rebirth. written 2018. the baby bear was softly crying in her crib and a badger picked her up. "shh, you'll wake your mother. what's wrong little one? mormor is here."

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Conversions: Gravitas

He was resolutely resisting the ones that wanted to make it seem fine and safe, to accept what had happened to him. he was not some easily swayed mortal mind ready to be reprogrammed.

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The Ranch Hand, Part 1

Her ear swiveled in his direction; her amethystcolored eyes trailing to the left corner of the stall; still resolute not to avert her stubborn gaze. "are you oka..." she didn't finish the sentence.

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New Commission Prices (SFW)

Once the final payment is received, i will send the commissioner a link to the full-resolution version of the image. i will also provide other sizes/resolutions upon request. hey, life happens to us all!

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The Beginning of A Bad Thing

Her blue eyes glittered with resoluteness. they would listen to her now, and they would hear her.

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The Integration Mandate

resolution 75 takes effect today. parents may now begin to register their children for the schools that will educate them for the greater part of their childhoods, regardless of genus.

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #13

We expect not to be clear on our actions yet moving forward, but we do expect a resolution to be made that such action is necessary and that we can all agree on its objectives.

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