Chapter 6 - Last adventure on the mountains

Oh and btw, i'm not on sofurry much nowadays, but you can find me whenever u want in skype, anyone can add me :) just check my profile and get the address from there. charizard woke up on the cave's cold floor.

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Lettera D'Amore - Love Letter

My sadness was washed away with our talks, this time on skype too, talking so much to each other, about silly stuff sometimes but that what conversation between lovers are sometimes.

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How does green look like?

"errr... it looks like, umm...", tlafi swished his tail slowly, trying to think of an answer, "... it looks like grass, or leaves of a tree in summer, puke emotion in skype or peas ooorrr...".

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2017-05-27 - The Good Pet

Give me a holler on skype ( if you want to join in! i'm also on patreon if you feel like supporting me. sheila was a good pet. or she tried to be, at least.

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Bottomless Bar: Chapter 13 (Patreon Premium)

"but there's always skype. in no time at all you'll be planning her next trip down here." merun smiled sadly and gave another shrug. "no, i don't think that will be happening. riina and i have decided to go our separate ways for the time being."

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"here, it's like a skype session. i'm starting it at exactly 1.0 real time speed, you can just use the microphone and the camera. it has an avatar you see on the screen." the avatar was a blocky little robot with a face.

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Dating An Heir (Pt 9)

It had been a few months since i had last spoken to the cougar with whom i was now skype-ing. his style was still the same, but he had something different about him. i couldn't place it, but he seemed happier.

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Special Assignments - Chapter Twenty Five

"maybe you could skype me when you get to italy so i know you are safe," my mum said. "i'd like to say hello to him via skype."

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Unrequited love, Requited.

Alex's toe claws tapped nervously on the hardwood floor as he waited for skype to go through. the red fox was calling his boyfriend who was deployed with the "peace troops" overseas.

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A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 3.

Six o'clock soon arrives and i begin to wind down my chat with my final customer, come five past six i close the office chat room and activate my personal skype account, ten minutes later i close that one down too and head down to the kitchen to make myself

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What follows is my rough editing of the skype logs, a 100% non-canon adventure! i could have put it under cots, but it felt like it would fit better over here. [![avatar?user=322668&character=0&clevel=2](

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