Micro's Dream
Slowly he reached down and to his utter astonishment... 10... ten beautiful naked... and much, much smaller female furries stood at his feet... one on her back where his foot had been...the one he had rubbed his toe against...
The Manor
Debra was a smaller girl. she walked along with the others with her eyes wary for any dangers around the compound, "do you think any wolves are around here?" debra had her hair cut straight. it was brown and went down past her shoulders.
Treacherous Shoals Part 1
Leaving silence as all eyes turned to the unrepentant american who had a much shorter and smaller woman grabbing her arm and shaking it with an unheeded warning.
An Evil Forgotten Chapter 5 - AJ & RD
Legs spread wide, cere'qul got a full eye as he watched the smaller female's moistened cunt start to lightly flutter as the orange pony began to juice up.
Discipline - Zeigwolf Commission
Swiftly, her maw opened wide and she yanked the smaller female to her, snapping her jaws around daciana. she pressed forward and down, pressing her weight onto the wolf to prevent her from struggling too much.
Saphira's heat
Of course the stranger had noticed how saphira took in it's body and obviously loved every bit of the attention from the smaller female, even turned it's head a little in the light to give brightscale a better chance to take in every little detail.
A Fallen Bird
A younger, much smaller female lynx chakat steps through the guards. "sir?" "i want you to see if you can gently coax her out. she's afraid of me." esral balks. "me? but i..." he smiles at her.
A day in the African Wilds
Her teeth clamped down on afua's ear, while her paws wrapped around the smaller female's chest. afua whimpered, feeling inch after inch of suda's shaft slamming into her.
Blade's Adventures - 04 - The ceremony
Diablo extended his large chest and neck forward, laying it on the soft spotted fur of the smaller female, he wasn't putting all his weight on her but could not resist to the tempting feeling to stroke against her fur.
On the Job: Dominating
The smaller girl was covered in lash marks now... some of them were bleeding. the largest ran along her back, but there were scores up her sides, and a good one on her left breast. slut.
Journey of a Succubus - 04
A bulky red skinned humanoid with large bat-wings, horns, and claws reclined comfortably across from a slightly smaller female of the same description. another pool contained green water and several dozen tentacles draped over the side.
The Afterparty
The effect seemed to be immensely satisfying to the large feline as she purred softly while rubbing the smaller girl on the head. occupying the other couch, laid kali.