
The cat had enough of the insubordination; the dragon had ignored him through the morning. he was all ready to leave, but the slumbering beast wasn't even saddled yet. out of ideas, the feline decided the seat would be going on the hard way.

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Crystal Dell Chronicles - To Hold Chapter 5

Hitomi seemed willing to overlook the bordering on insubordinate tone in her voice, perhaps a sign of how far she was willing to go beyond protocol to solve this. 'so far the only thing anyone knows is that we have recovered a patient.

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The Mook Maker, Interlude 3: The Sage

The captain questioning orders was an offence of its own, yet viceroy took this sign of possible insubordination easily. shockingly, considering the sage's own acts and the capital punishment he narrowly escaped.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 20

Military personnel of all ranks quickly develop their ability to broadcast attitude without being overtly insubordinate, and senior officers rarely prove to be exceptions. the second fleet had been hanging in space, suspended in time for over a week.

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Spygate: The Path To Acceptance

Unnerve readied his dragon claw and was about to take a swipe at snipes for insubordination, that is until nocturne grabbed his arm and made him lower it.

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Dark Descent - Chapter 5

You were reckless, though; reckless, insubordinate, and you were quickly proving to be a liability for team rocket. then... i found that i no longer needed you. i just needed black ix and jessie." "felicia." rue corrected. "black. ix.

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Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Hunter.

I am sick and tired of your disrespect and insubordination! i have respected you before colleen, but now.... i have no choice........ colleen...... you are banned fro-gaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha whahahahahahahahat the fuck!?!?!?''

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Chapter 22 - Interrogation

Nabooru rolled off with a cry of fury at his insubordination to her needs. she leaped atop him and expanded her hands ready to rake her nails across his face. "tell me why i shouldn't kill you right now for insulting me!"

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Traptap 1: Her Dragon

The being, her dragon, was a prime specimen of raw muscle covered in hardened crimson and gold scales, his smile still resembling his former self if now only large enough to lethal main, not swallow whole, an insubordinate kobold.

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A Tale of Transcendent Love: A Report of a Terrible Transformation

After a few words from him about insubordination, he granted my request for a bath and change of venue for alexander. a few minutes later we were teleported to the designated room for alexander's bath.

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Chapter one: In which the protagonist is antagonizing.

Sparky shocked her for her insubordination, and she jittered a bit. she was ordered to take off her clothes again. "you can't make me do it myself." that earned her another shock, harder than the last one.

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Chapter 1 - Re-awakening

"which is why there is a pending charge of insubordination against you," the commissioner replied.

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