Academia Martialis I

Everyone stood and watched as the two seniors got more tense and eased into combat stances. the male on the left and the female on the right. both seniors drifted their hands to the hilts of their swords.

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The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (Ch 06 - 07)

This one is authorized to discuss terms with senior warriors only in the absence of your world's elders. you are senior warrior; you will discuss terms now, correct, hrrr?"

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The Beginning and the Bear

Even though they were seniors, neither lived far enough away from school to justify driving (and to tell the truth, levi didn't have the money). jack had his nose in a new novel with his wiry glasses almost falling off his nose.

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Part 5 - Looking into the Future

I don't know what he's up to lately, even though we're both seniors now, and though i am curious i'm not going to go out of my way to find out what he's doing after graduation.

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Reservations and "Reservations"

She tries to explain that she really is, by dragon standards, a senior citizen and should be allowed to get something.

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The Real Folk Blues: High School Days Revised Edition! Ch. 1

He also told the group about how some of the meaner seniors play senior pranks on the new freshmen every year and other mean things senior would do throughout the year. this made donte a little nervous.

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The Adventures of Rex the Husky-From the Sea to the Streets

After a couple of turns they ended up on a crowded street with a bunch of seniors passed out on benches, rails, and building walls.

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TGBC Character sheet

Name: jacob fangz senior species: wolf age: 39 gender: male abilities: wolf sword expert, all elemental magic.


The Final Days of High School

Walking out, i joined the mass of other seniors in the hallway at one end of the school, where i quickly found my friends, eagerly awaiting what was recently dubbed "the running of the seniors," even though each senior class had been doing it for years

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Ishari - chapter 1: Endgame - part 1 of 4

The senior officers were standing around a circular table shouting back and forth. in the center of the table was a holographic projection showing a section of confederate space.

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Toni's Diary Entry #2 - The Key to Success

I never had any close friends in my own class, at least until i was a senior. during my high school days, particularly my junior and senior years, i developed a bit of a reputation for being the guy that always brought card games to school.

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The Cat's Stroll 26

"senior uncle, about yesterday, you said the most important thing in battle was to know when to retreat, right?"

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