Spiritual age chapter six: An uncertain truth

Doesn't that torment you? they lied to you. torment, doesn't that torment you, koki kazunari, or rather...torment?" a voice said. koki grabbed his head and fell to his knees. it was one of those painful headaches he had, striking again.

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What's It Like (Chapter 3) [Tickle Fic]

The metal torment, the coolness of it. how it was so, so very good at tickling the sensitive spots of knuckles humiliatingly soft feet. "a-aahahaha, sonic not that!"

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The Duel of Legends-Chapter 1

He was finally leaving all the torment that caused him so much misery in his life. he started to walk out the door, his bag still in his muzzle, when he stopped suddenly. he looked behind him, seeing mildred standing there, beaming at him.

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Put up or Shut up

He likes to torment a certain pale little leopard with red eyes and his little eight-year-old brother also pale little leopard that wears diapers. what he doesn't know is pale little leopard is going to pay him a visit.

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A Story Of Transcendent Love: Family Secrets Shared Between Lovers

He wouldn't torment me like the others. instead, after the punishment/torment was over he would come to me and try to support me. he wouldn't bring me down after torment. he's try would bring me up.

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 09

As soon as she tried to sleep, she saw herself back in the village, watching the torments that she had inflicted on the villagers.

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Beating the heat

Tali shrieked louder than ever at the first impact, but there was no way for her to prevent the wolfess from continuing the torment.

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Helpful Friends

Sarassa lowered her snout, moaned, rocked her hips in the air as she thought of all the pleasure and torment in her future, and the familiar fantasies so turned her on.

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The Tide of Darkness

Now he walks the lands in darkness, a tormented soul preying on others while seeking what he had lost.

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Promises to a Friend Chapter 1

After two uneventful lessons, and three torment filled lessons with drew, whispering torment at silver and taking the occasional cheap shot at him while the teacher had their back turned, silver was relieved to finally hear the school bell.

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One Thousand Tiny Daggers

Fey and sentry were exhausted by this point and their numb feet had almost become used to the abuse but this new assault brought about a renewed torment.

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