A Song in the Winter
"let this tired child rest, quiet winter..." she didn't notice the person that had entered the clearing where she sat frozen in ice, her mind muddled by long sleep and struggling to focus on the spell. he slowly stumbled toward her.
Wolves in Winter
But there was nothing left to be good for. \*\*\* _"take hope from a man, and you leave behind a wolf in winter."_ the augment project was one of the darkest in military history.
Winter Break
Come winter break, he pushed enough boxes out of the way to forge a path from the door to the bed and pulled the trusty beanbag chair out from the closet.
Winter's Consequences
The otter rubbed her belly. Yep. She was starting to show, wasn't she? A distinct bump had formed in her belly over the last couple of months, and she didn't really need a test to figure out what'd happened. This was what _always_ happened if you let...
Winter 2014
Throughout it, though, drunken punks and metalheads bundled up in winter coats cheered for them, and a few of them even joined in to sing along.
Melody in Winter
Miss winter turned to the carriage, and blew out a breath that steamed. she squared her shoulders, and flowed into the carriage when he opened her door.
Winter's Parasite
The feeling of winter's tight hole around him.
Heart of the Winter
And i take a deep breath in and feel the ice-cold air inside of me reminding me of the winter air i'd huff wandering about manhattan back in my childhood during the winter holidays up, and down the chaotic city streets although the air is purer here
Winter's Dissection
"introducing, winter's dissection, gentlemen!" oh no, it's this sort of place. is it safe to head back out? i weigh my options as the curtain closes behind the stage, twisting my body in uncertainty.
Winter's Fall
winter's fall © rey_shiro (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/reyshiro/) **winter's fall** by dexdor it was a cool morning, yet a bit warmer than most. mostly due to the sun's greetings not being arrested by the clouds overhead.
A Winter Flower
The pants slid off, and the cold winter air kissed his bare ass. tom heard a bottle "crack" opened, he reached down and tugged on the tiger's boner through his pants. "come on, i want it."
Topple's Winter
He was used to all kinds of weather in his mountain cabin, but this winter in montana proved to be a tough one. at the surface of the mountain, topple could see several tourists skiing through trees and weaving through moguls.