The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.

Also i am still the most capable in close quarters combat. if it attacks i (hopefully) can buy some time for you all to get away. jack: corey was hit before you and joe touched down.

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Tanks, Allies, And More Troubles Ahead.

Mainly because i have to tell people i'm in close quarters with. just a heads up to know what to expect from me." brian said winking. "oh." andy sighed. "why haven't you told me?" "cause i can smell you a mile away when you look at me.

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J&J: Scent of Arousal

The tiger could smell the fox's arousal even stronger now, in the closed quarters of the room. it was sweet, yes, but almost spicy at the same time.

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Task Force - The Hack

close quarters extraction opp. suit up accordingly. target may be hot but plan on quick and silent. captain tala, warm up both birds, i don't know which we will need."

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Always Cry Wolf (Part VII)

Kendal watched trevor head to the bathroom and wondered how the threesome would work out in such close quarters. his fantasies began to play out in his head.

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Time of war Chpt 7

"i have," zero interrupted spark before he could finish his argument, "you're a good soldier spark, but if this does turn into a firefight, i'm going to need someone who can fight close quarters with an assault weapon."

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Couno Izuacatl

Active camouflage energy shield generator in left left gauntlet, creates an assault shield of energy to stop projectile, melee, or energy damage ss combat dagger with plasma cutting edge shock nodes in both gauntlets for close quarters damage pulsar

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 12

The contact felt nice; it had been years since i'd worked in such close quarters that they almost forced us to touch and then i realized that we weren't just touching, he was rubbing his arm against my side.

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Resignation (pt.1)

It wasn't incredibly long, though, before the working together in close quarters caused one errant touch to become one intentional touch that caused both of them to smile and get distracted.

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A Dance From Twilight To The Moon

The crotch area was a bit hugging, but i guess that was to my advantage with how close quarters i'm going to be with that muscular hunk. i nit-picked and aligned the suit until it was almost time for me to step out.

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Fallen - Chapter 5 - Shadow Games

"sistra managed to hold him at a distance, for a time, but julius made an unexpected move and forced her into close quarters combat. after gaining the upper hand, julius took sistra by the wrist at which point she appeared unable to react.

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The Initiation Part 1

I was becoming increasingly uneasy in the closed quarters with him. i needed fresh air to clear my mind. "yeah...i promise don't worry. would you excuse me for a moment?" i rushed myself out of the tent. i needed time to myself.

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