Under the Blanket
When he arrived at the party with shadi in tow, isiat had no intention of being one of the last couples at the house, but they were among good company, and were assured well in advance that they'd be able to stay the night if needed.
Shattered Heart (part 2)
"but i would hope we parted in good...company." as if on cue another giff in the uniform of a prussian officer, a broadsword hangs at his side and a brace of pistols across his chest.
Pokémon Take Over: A nurse Joy and Officer Jenny story: Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm.
I chuckled and stroked his ears causing him to calm down then offered the ball back to officer jenny who shook her head and replied "no, looks like growlithe finds you and vulpix to be good company, it'll be good for him to have a new partner anyway.
Astral Encounter
Yeah, some good company. i mean, it would be the best way to help him out right? besides, it had been a while since she had been in the company of anyone else due to the fellow townsfolks opinion of her, so why pass up a chance like this?
Full of Christmas Spirit (Commision)
Besides, all the other boys would be keeping vaughn good company into eternity. with a wiggle of his nose, the magic swirls danced around the old saint to carry him to his sleigh and another jolly year of gift giving.
The King Takes it All - Part 7
She continued to eat away as scar instead fell asleep from having food and good company. when she realised he had indeed fallen asleep kula chuckled to herself and ate as much as she could before she felt bloated and tired.
Kinktober Day 17: Threesome/Sweat
He smiled comfortingly when gan looked up at him, adding, "you're in good company." gan smiled shakily at that.
company and had far more flexible hours than normal, whenever cecilia was around she was treated to that ample snake ass all day long.
Home town Hero...
"of course i've heard that would put me in good company... aren't you doing that for the mayor and a number of other noble stallions?"
A Good Ritual
good company even. the demon houndoom was a great conversationalist and very curious.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 4
They were such good company, especially with lilac and albreich around, his life would be complete. now, with no knowledge on where to go and where to start, he had no choice but to believe the strangers that saved him.
A RedQuest Tale - Chapter 7 (clean)
"well, i be in good company then in warning others to go around your big fat belly by winter." by this time the otters looking at them, burst out into laughing while pearl tried to take in breath before forcing out the words.