Ch. 22 Halloween Special 9/9 Halloween Birthday Potty

Mark was making chip dip, leo was working on finger foods, lee was busy with chili kitsu and zyps were working on punch.

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Doodle Story: Cheese Guzzler

Four cheeseburgers and chili cheese fries and the 32 oz. pepsi. plus i uh, wouldn't mind if i use the 'cheese pump' again."

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Jealousy Is An Ugly Emotion

Sonic complained as he took a big bite of his chili dog. tails' eyes were wide as he heard everything. "umm..sonic you might wanna take smaller bites and...maybe it was a coincidence that jet wanted to take zack out." tails suggested.

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Hedgehog and Fox Act Two: Bros with Benefits

"ok, how's about i finally try one of these chili dogs you've been raving about." "they're really good, sonic. what do you have against hot dogs anyway?" "i feel like i've eaten way too many of them over the years."

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Hedgehog and Fox Act One: A Sonic and Tails Story

"the seaside diner's award winning chili cheese," sonic pointed to something on the menu, "burgers." "wow, chili cheeseburgers! i've never had those before," tails said.

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Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 5

Since all there was in the house was chili, he made that, glad that this was something he knew how to make. how hard was chili? all he had to do really was heat it up, and add a little bit of salt and pepper he managed to find.

Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Fourteen

"i'll save you a bowl of chili!" "you're a pal." toke rolled his eyes. after watching the bigger man clomp off in search of food, toke turned back around to see zashiel still hunched over with her hair hanging to cover her face. "zash?"

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Seventeen

The last of the chili went into a sailor's bowl, and grascow hefted the huge metal pot and dumped it into a sink. without a word, he pointed at a crate sitting against the far wall.

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Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths: Keith's Story - Chapter 2

Zoey orders a chili-dog and chili fries, though the omits the coke and goes for straight up whiskey. "yeah, well we can't all be trust-fund kiddies like cyko here." she says in regards to the bartender. "it's a pretty decent system regardless."

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The Artaxes Family Part Four

Suddenly i watch as the wolf cub jumps, the fire of the chili pepper-paste starting to build. his white little balls start to turn red and swell, the paste causing a chemical burn on his sensitive nuggets.

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