Commission: A Mirrored Reflection Part 1
The last box, the final box after moving and here it was finally sitting in the middle of his floor empty. It had been a short while after he'd taken up residence in this house, but it was much closer to the stores just off campus, and more important...
Ghostbusters: Regenesis 25 - Smoke and Mirrors
**ghostbusters: regenesis** chapter 25 (smoke and mirrors) written by leo\_todrius **_[portland, oregon]_** drop by drop, the rain came down, beading up on the glass surface of the smart phone in dakota's hands.
A Night with Cupid
They knelt not face to face, but side by side, facing themselves in the mirrored surface of one of the closet's walls while those same mirrors allowed them full access to the sight of the other man too, should their own bodies not prove wholly inspiring enough
Past Secrets v1 (Full Text)
She wiped the condensation off the mirror, looking at herself but gasped at her reflection. the delphin in the mirror wasn't her. her pale fur had darkened in hue, but she was shocked most by her mane and tail.
Rarity's Fantasy (An MLP Jeeves Flash Fic, Posted with Permission)
Tilting the mirror and her cock, rarity began to pump her shaft within both hands with renewed vigour.
Silver Stream Memory 12
Above the sink was the mirror, and a big mirror at that. then back toward the wall in into a small alcove to the left was the white porcelain toilet with an over setting shelf. then, across from that and a trash can and towel rack was the small closet.
Six Preds - Part 5 (Vore Story)
He couldn't see his reflection in this mirror, but he could certainly see someone else!
Le Pew Magnifique
The mirror.
Of Rain and Storm: Rain Fall (1/?) [DolphinSanity]
He... he had to go look in the mirror. wait, what? the mirror showed his normal self. perfectly normal teryx. everything was fine! then, behind him... just a little stronger, handsomer, and more confident... storm.
Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 3
The apartment had a living room that connected to a hallway which had the bathroom off to the side of it. The back of the hallway thus after meeting with the bedroom and we came out of it with me leading. Well um... the one that was not Sko and the one...
Pokemon MD: Mirrors of Fate - Chapter Two
#3 of pokemon mystery dungeon: mirrors of fate chapter 2 the wind blew the forest canopy softly as the eevee hopped and jumped eagerly ahead of me. i walked calmly close behind him, watching with slight amusement and grinning.
Pokemon MD: Mirrors of Fate - Chapter One
#2 of pokemon mystery dungeon: mirrors of fate the angry infernape pulls me by my arm through a few miles of woods until we reach a coastal ridge, then tugs me roughly along the pathway there to a small hill with what appear to be multiple wooden structures