Inside the Chinese Room
randomizing output: "did they want it to be conscious?" input: tension levels rising. -10 to response: "did they want it to be conscious?"
Galactic Ranger CYOA Part Two
Here are the verdicts for the protagonist ranger nero: 1 vote -random number 01-50 ranger scott: 1 vote -random number 51-00 result: 55 ranger scott for perks espionage: 2 votes wealth: 1 vote -random number 01-16 diplomat: 1 vote -random number 17-34 hand
I like it, but...randomize." "saved," the computer replied. "confirm randomize?" "randomize." zap! april let out a deep size as the beta radiation washed over her.
PTC #04: The Unexpected Attack!
Trainers are monitored and, at random times, a randomly chosen pokemon from our list of random encounter operatives may be sent to battle with the trainer's pokemon.
"A Date With Delilah" Visual Story (V0.3)
"nice" events to occur (and vice-versa). \* added random scene of mel fantasising about getting delilah pregnant during orgasm. \* added random chance of mel's condom failing, and resulting . \* added more size options for mel's random
Writing Prompt (Marcus)
/random-animals) random animals: chipmunk & squirrel marcus threw his notebook down and sighed, running a hand through the short fur on his head.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 7
random guy: mornin', ms. johansson! tranquility: morning. random guy 2: good luck t'morrow, ms. johansson! tranquility: thanks. \*walks up to lexi\* lexi: \*ceases smelling a flower\* morning tranquility...
He walked in slowly a bad feeling slowly growing in the pit of his stomach; he produced a torch from his belt shining it at random parts of the inside of the warehouse noticing chains and other random items unable to tell because how shrouded they were.
#6 of drunk work scribblings from fall 2019 (originally written november 18, 2019) (random exercise. type twenty random letters, then turn those into the first letter of each sentence. the letters are qocbsovbeivnsdivnhdp.) quotes are stupid.
The Power of the Mind
Everything was normal until learned heard some random squeaker on a game he was playing. this kid pissed him off, so he resorted to reading.
The Birds and the Bees Part 1
Shit gets real the lion king author's note: shits about to get real a lot of random crap so don't go bad mouthing me because it's so random. also in this fanfic simba is a cub and mufasa is going to divulge the fatherly secrets of the past.
Whit If...
"daniel you have one of the most random minds i know." jessica said to me laughing. "what all i asked is a simple and justified question." i said to her as we walked through the park.