[$] Rainstorm's Charge - Chapter Two

"you see, as you know, amoura was a breeder of slaves in ancient egypt, but sometimes... sometimes the slaves were less than willing to cooperate, even with the threat of death." as he spoke, he gently traced his finger along the rim of the ring.

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Her Ancestor's Suffocating Curse

Explorers determined that while the ancient egyptian civilizations were extremely advanced for their time in a number of different ways, they didn't spend much time rigging their burial tombs with the traps that people anticipated.

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A Mech Made in Heaven

Each section of the casino was decorated with a theme, from ancient egypt to futuristic galaxies of outer space, changing every few months in a grandiose venture to surprise its patrons with fresh sights and sounds.

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No Frills: Ijona Hykok

Ijona had several role models including hathor and ubasti, (two deities from ancient egypt), aunt daunna, aunt carille, and her older sister. ijona was part of a band in high school, playing keyboard.

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Virtually Real Capter 62: Outta Time

Anubis pulled jordan and my minds back in time to ancient egypt. we weren't suffering from vr lag. it was time displacement sickness. as some of you know i traveled back in time to set up the system monitoring station.

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Advanced Soldier Program - Wargames

The walls of the storage locker looked like the pictures of the inside of an ancient egyptian temple, though certain things still stood out like the guns that they had brought into the room.

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The Eye of Horus

Plus he's pretty much the ancient egyptian grim reaper, major badass points there.

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I Love You Thiiiiiiis Much - Commission for anubiis_werewolf

She was awed into silence by his spacious abode, one that was decorated with ancient egyptian artifacts, some of which were magical. but before he could tell her about any of them, she needed to take a bath, badly.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 11: Final Term Party, Part 1

The ancient egyptian god of funerals and guider of the souls?" "um, no?" "tom just said that if you're dying out of shyness right now, then he wants to be the one to guide your soul to duat, the afterlife where you two can spend eternity together."

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A Bond Is Forged - Chapter Two

"...as the ancient egyptian pyramids are still a - " spoke the elderly male human, who stood at the head of the class, then paused as the door slammed open. "sorry i'm late sir!"

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Creating a character

Names rashanian names are based on ancient egyptian and assyrian names. male names; arem, atrus, iyar, jareb, sargon.

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Megalopolis - Fated Love

A ghostly lion stands behind him in ancient egyptian armor, his ghostly eyes watching andy nubis work on the bag.

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