Musk Stream Story 2: Most Excellent Service
Above him, he could hear his coworkers slurping along those shafts, and after a few minutes, herbert felt that he should start helping out.
The Forgotten One
Mcstar turns to a coworker that has knowledge of things most know not "watch my son. if anything happens get him out of here. dragon's getting a piece of my mind before this day is over." she nods and collects derk and goes to her cubicle.
Book 1, Genesis: Chapter 4: Bladewielder!
She finished lunch and went back to work, her coworkers noticed her grim and distracted composure the rest of the day and they confronted her about it.
Mel at work
The cheetah is in for a world of hurt if his very manly coworkers would find out the feline is exposing himself in the middle of the cafeteria or even worse, masturbating.
Darryl's Day
The haze circling around his mind would dissipate - he'd thank coffee for this, make an occasional remark or joke about it whenever his coworkers asked - and he would simply perform the way he was expected to perform.
Bored Meeting
Gone were the days when his senior coworkers would place bets on how long his chipper demeanor would last, when he'd stop grooming his hair, and quit polishing his shoes.
Bored Meeting
Gone were the days when his senior coworkers would place bets on how long his chipper demeanor would last, when he'd stop grooming his hair, and quit polishing his shoes.
Tales from Adipose City: The Bird Is The Word
That in itself wasn't unusual, nor was his coworkers' lack of interest in finding out, but the big tool still felt like the job was sketchier then usual.
Yearly Review
She looked away as she caught the feline blush, her confidence level boosted with the realization her coworker had been lusting over her.
Obligations - Cyan at the J-One Gentleman's Club
Turning red beneath his snowy fur as his obvious first-time reaction caused the rest of his coworkers to snicker. it didn't take long for the gazelle to "swipe and poke" everyone, as he heard one of his coworkers, a female skunk, call it..
Green Grove, Extra: Amber's Date, The Real Story, Part 1
She'd become his preferred helper at the store and her coworkers had even taken to calling her his professional shopper.
Summer Heat at the Office
A friendly coworkers has already made it apparent that he's willing to help with a quickie, but such things always carry some risk with them.