Chronicals of the Justicar Act 1/ Part 1

The tank continued firing rounds into the creatures, sand dunes exploded as shells hit the bases, one sand dune exploded but not from a shell, mechanical noises shook the ground and giant crab like tank burst from the sand and towered over the battle field

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Desert Flower

They seemed to stretch out forever, some twisted over one another, some just radiating outwards in to the dunes.

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The Bunker: Refitting

Back in the caravan, she stared out the window, watching the dune that had called to her. the basset had prepared dinner yet should couldn't eat a bite.

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Going Swimming

I don't go to the beach often, since i actually think most of them are crap (since i graduated high school, anyway; before then, i was totally content to roll down the huge sand dunes or just run around with my cousins and friends or whoever i'd gone with)

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How I got Damned - Differing Tastes

And so she lay there in what little shadow the dune provided and waited for the night to be on the move again, but she was in doubt that she come much further. she was pretty sure she would die.

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Cat House 1

We return to dune, the city in the sands, and boldly go into the lobby of the cat house. i have not actually been here before, but a hostess greets us and explains.

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Slifer the sky Dragon: First love

The small village was in the middle of a desert with dunes not too far away that can cause nasty sandstorms that could harm the small village.

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Working on memory alone, she stumbled blindly up and through the sand dunes, following the path beneath her boots without looking up. she was afraid of what she might see.

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The Summoner - Chapter 2

I ignored the curious eyes from critters hiding in the dunes, and flipped through my notes, trying to unearth some memories. ocean cavern. that's right, i was looking for one, to fulfill a pact.

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A bit of family fun on vacation.

Her paws bracing her on the towels on the dune, tail thumping slightly against his side. "fuck your mother, make me cum."

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Fallen Kingdoms of Baruun: Broken Pact (Preview)

Make for the dune to the east and await us there. those of you willing to fight, find a weapon, and join me as we take them from behind."

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Https:// dissipated down, into swirls of midnight blue dunes, the beat of the nekhakha stirs shadows from the breathless night.

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