A Shot in the Dark

swinging on a chain, suspended inches from my nose, a perfectly cooked roast. it's still warm, i can feel the heat every time it swings by. it smells delicious. my stomach rumbles anticipating that first meaty bite.

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Customer Service

"so, what would you like to know about this swing?"

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the only loney guy in the world part2

On some swings and playing tag.


Argentinian Ties

"now swing that bole and tie us a victory!" with all his concentration, mitch swings his boleadora, and throws it. it wraps around their dummy and jasper let's go of mitch. "woohoo!" jasper says.

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Bound by Destiny 23

Down on the ground, janch was delivering swing after swing with her weapon, noticing that alex seemed to take all of them with a light parrying, "come on, fight back! i am not liking when someone goes easy on me.

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Bound by Destiny 23

Down on the ground, janch was delivering swing after swing with her weapon, noticing that alex seemed to take all of them with a light parrying, "come on, fight back! i am not liking when someone goes easy on me.

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Flames Part X - Interwoven

Rachel's next swing met the full force of william's block. both paws rode the haft of his axe as he leaned into hers, stalling the swing of it out by the full weight of his body.

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Boy Meets Bunny

"i wonder why nobody comes over here to swing?" said the boy curiously.

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The Codex Chapter 13: Third time unlucky

He yelled before raising his blade upwards, jax crossing his arms, letting his whips swing towards his target.

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Zarvaun Gets Smug

He gulped, "ordeal of nylea, swing for five at frost.""i'll take." i muttered, "i'm at eight." i drew two cards. "iroas, god of victory. prayer for a miracle.""my turn now."

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The Interview Part 2....Dance Lessons

Clutching the pole he swings back to face the audience, smiling his most predatory smile as his hands reach down for that belt loop of a moment ago only to find something has changed. his zipper is undone.

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