Trading Questions

"And we are done!" Covered head to toes in sweat and several dead flies, Cherry practically collapsed behind me as I skidded to a halt in front of the woodland cabin, now layering in golden leaves that occasionally fell from the surrounding trees....

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The Tar Pits

Veronica Summers seemed like the epitome of a perfect vixen. Luscious ruby fur, white canines that formed a beautiful smile, thick & wavy headfur that fell over her perfect breasts, and a moan which resonated like an orchestra whenever my fangs...

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Heracles and the (Horny) Hellhound Part III

"Now fuck me." I panted as my grip refused to lessen, in spite of the creature already yielding seconds ago. "Huh?" "You heard me, little demigod," Cerberus' three heads chuckled in unison, his left and right ones craning to look upwards to me. To...

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How to Train Your Ocelot

Seven times. That ocelot made me cum seven times over the course of four hours. Lying in my arms was a handsome nymph, the perfect man (God, why did I just quote a line from 'Vice City'? The ocelot was rubbing off on me...) with a perfect twink's...

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Heracles and the (Horny) Hellhound Part II

Finally. My last and ultimate Labor was approaching. Not even a hellhound's casual nudity could distract me from such excitement, though his punctual words did. "I am surprised you did not take advantage of Theseus' maw earlier," Cerberus grinned...

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Igniting the Passion

Cherry growled, "...that's it?! That's all we're going to fucking do?" "For now," I nodded without looking away from my laptop. "For now?" he echoed my words, then grimaced. "We got the names of the bastards! Why don't we give, I don't know, an...

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Heracles and the (Horny) Hellhound Part I

The entrance to Hades was inconspicuous to the mortals unaware of its façade. A simple cavern opening at the base of the valley nearest Mount Olympus itself. Not the grandest of entrances, mind you, but every parted soul drifted there once they...

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Maverick Hotel Part 9 (NSFW)

The line between police officers and soldiers were blurred more than ever. Only a handful of them, as far as I could see from our height, seemed to wear the standard uniform of an enforcer of the law. The rest seemed more likely to belong in some...

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What You Don't See Coming

Why did Crossroads City have a good dosage of crazies? I asked myself that each time a less-than-stable denizen stumbled into the coffee shop,...

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Life in the Underground

Near the late 2000s, I thought my life was good. My pencil-pushing office job at one of Oasis' many big casinos paid for a large house in the suburbs, two cars, a timeshare in Oregon, a hot tub (Nevada could...

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Sanctity of a Strip Club

"Hmm...An interesting proposition, but I'll have to decline." "What? Why not, bud?" the brown bear sitting across from me in his office stared...

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World History of "Maverick Hotel"

North America: In response to the Devout State of America's aggression against foreign powers, the United Nations relocated its headquarters from New York City to Geneva, Switzerland...

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