Sabrina's Werewolf Fantasy (Futa)

Her vulva swelled with orgasm, her labia spreading open as they bulged, displaying her teeny-tiny human vagina as it began violently ripping open at the top and bottom. she howled with pussygasm, feeling her growing meat her tearing pussy apart.

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Cowbra Rising

Being the top and bottom heavy creature that she was, her balance was thrown all over the place as she tried to regain her footing, thick arms spiralling around to no avail.

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California Madness, Pt. 1

It seemed that the chipmunk fur behind the counter recognized the skunkworks sisters, and had slobbered all over his desk as the girls began flirting with him, showing cleavage (both top and bottom) and leaning over the counter top to whisper things in his

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Academia - Part 4

He was fairly certain the sink was imitation white marble, and the handles and faucet only coated in silver, but it still looked quite nice, and the mirror above it had a pattern of clouds and waves carved into the top and bottom portions of the frame.

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Chak and Jolaya

When chak moved his tongue to lick both the top and bottom of her pussy at the same time, she let out a hiss that could have been heard five buildings away as her orgasm took her by force.

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"bang" i smack the ear of the hinge out from the corner letting the tree fall at the last moment straight and true, the daylight through the wedge of the gob disappearing as the top and bottom of the cut closing in on each other, until...

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Mari's Playtime

One hand held me in the air while another unfastened her top and bottom, the latter exposing her five inch reptilian vaginal slit. it was already dripping with juices, telling me her arousal had been building for a while.

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Fursonalized, Chapter 1 - Teenage Dream

The top and bottom pieces were both form-fitting and beautifully tailored. eric's appeared to be of the same quality, but was of course different in color.

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Healing Love - Chapter 33

The light source was from 4 large white light bulbs that were framed by a scallop shell on the top and bottom of each one, above a large, wide mirror. under the mirror was a large, white coral basin and counter with brass nozzles and faucets.

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Commission Story for Zohaku "Werearcanine of the night"

His nose started pushing forward growing longer and thicker forming a muzzle that started sprouting a tannish hue fur across the top and bottom of it ending in a tip of black flesh untouched by fur.

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Savannah Blues part 12

The only thing that could be seen were their toes from the top and bottom as the two curled in on each other... isaac mumbling a bit. nuzzling the fuzzy orbs in front of him.

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Spawning Season, part 1

It tapered down, and at the end were two small bumps on the top and bottom. carry opened her eyes, and immediately noticed something else, something was sticking out from her face. she brought her hands forward, and felt her face.

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