Nyet's Corruption

The king had be twice, before sending me to the merchants guild, the miner guild, the jewelers guild - anyone that had suffered in the rebellion, or held influence.

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Be Somebody - Main Story

Eve could feel themselves wearing out, could feel their influence failing.

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From Banished to Duchess 3

Such influences existed in everything, and left traces behind, even in dead things.

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chapter 10: The Unlikely Ally

"not when you talk to rhaynis when under her influence. you threw away all your happy memories solely because of anger to yort. when rhaynis talked to dragons, her influenced force them to show their true self.

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Gro++ - Part One

To instead ask that cynthia turn around right there and then, unchanged and with only the lingering influence of their past chemical usage lingering within their bodies, and bury his face between her legs.

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A Real Festival Celebration 2

It was the same influencer that had been annoying the shit out of him in the registration line.

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Music review - Flood by Boris

Heavily influenced by the japanese hardcore scene, boris' first two outings are heavy drone metal albums, both good, and important in their own way to the band's progression and style.


Contagious Workout

A pulse of arousal and flash of heat was the only warning the gym's neighbors got before it soaked into them as well, spreading lluna's lapine influence throughout the block. it wouldn't be long before the rest of the city followed.

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Cafe Plaisir Fantasies: Fred

A one of a kind 'palace of bliss', able to treat the famous luna-la like the 'celebrity slash reviewer slash porn critic slash influencer' that she proclaimed herself as.

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Buster: The Pimp of Elwood City: Chapter 1

"no, it's a pheromone-based spray." explained the brain, "the scent is so powerful that it gives anyone with the spray an atmosphere that influences others." buster looked a bit confused.

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Chapter 2: Darkness Descends

This evil influence was trying to get control of him. as it was trying to, it spoke to him. "join my side galinoth and together we could rule this world." the ominous voice was saying. "first tell me your name?" he requested.

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A Certain Psychopath's Own Version

What possible influence can i have? heh. heheheheheheheheh. ohhhhh... what influence indeed.

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