King Cheetah - Night of Terror
We will prove your loyalty tonight." he, haori, and kagoye departed swiftly to find haori's contingency, where he explained the most important part of the plan.
Heroic Humiliation
Your loyalty to me my slutty bitch?" mewtwo asked him. "o-of course master... i-if that's what it takes to make you trust me... i'll be... hah... your loyal bitch!"
A poem for Telroth
My body nothing but a cocksleeve, my loyalty and obediance you have weaved. and with you, your wings are my sky. though my words may delay, and my presence slip away, i think always of you, especially this valentine's day.
I give you my loyalty and my support, and i will proudly serve you in all things to my own last breath."
Two's Trial - Chapter 2
I knew i never had to worry about her loyalty with me, but i knew that this loyalty could bring us close to death. "...sun here and i will go inside the sanctum.
Ryan's Story Interlude
"i would prefer more solid backing for my actions rather than a misguided sense of loyalty that could shift with the wind." "the support for the council is small! we are growing!"
The 'Slave' Maid Arrives
Are you saying you don't have any fantasies about women thanking you on their hands and knees, sucking you off until you blow down their throats, swearing loyalty to you for being their savior?"
Those feelings are letting me feel...
As well as your loyalty. sometimes you make me feel like royalty. my trust comes back, _slowly_ but it returns. even after so many of those lies that made my heart burn. you have helped, me deal with issues i couldn't have dealt.
To Darkness Descended
Do you not fight for a world where there are no leaders, no authorities to compel your loyalty?"
Inner Pain
Here i am, treated like a dog, with unwavering loyalty, while enduring the abuse. i cannot take it! i just need a reason. a reason for me to still love you... help me... help me... these tiny pleas..
Prologue: You All Shall Follow And Obey
"everyone in this station will give their undying loyalty to you as long as you do the training correctly" kai assured him as he kept smirking at drei.
Kage's Resistance
The dragon's mind was completely tainted with utter loyalty to the king, lust and undying obedience, the kinds that he'd never seen before.