Battle the Zzuragg part 6 ending

Kauri finds his pistol and tacks a few shot at the demon before them, quickly the last of his shots are fired. the demon throws chin's broken body at the ground and turns to face kauri.

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Wet Cement: Chapter 12-3: Calculus

"look, shave and tack are the ones who are pushing this. smokey and brakes argued until they were blue in the face. lube and i did the same. so we had to write you up."

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Chapter 1: The Reaper's Weakness

She's very nice once you get to know her, and sharp as a tack. i'm sure that we'll be very happy together." juno's nostrils flared as she leaned over the table.

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Oiled Leather

The creak of the tack, her toes clutching the stirrup rings, the feel of the beast underneath her as its powerful muscles flowed and the ground passed under its gait. why it was coming from ali's office was completely beyond her.

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The Third Date ~Draven and Ramiro~

At first, the pair walked into stores with fake smiles tacked onto their faces, voices shaky and filled with regret as to what they were doing. miraculously, even though clerks and tellers had their doubts, nobody questioned their age at all.

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Mereck Stories Ch.4

I know this was a build up, and that most of you would haver prefered shi tacked the fox and took him in the first moment. trust me, i wanted to do that too :).

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Rust's Digs

He always wore headphones, so his room was normally silent as a crypt, save for the faint ticky-tacking of keys. but if it was a special friend of some kind, suddenly, there would be noises.

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Comanche, A Loving Tribute to an Old Warhorse

Then suddenly he realized he was standing again, and wearing his old saddle and tack! he looked down and saw the body of an old horse, and knew he had died.


chapter 1 Get Up!

"indeed that was the most fun i had whoching somepony tack there captions test and passing it." said celestia. "what how may pass this test?" i asked. "only you, shining armor, and the pony you are replacing as the shadow guard commander zach."

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Tiger Heart: Chapter 7

"oh, i sincerely doubt i will need it, but i suppose writing it down and tacking it to the wall would be alright." ty nodded, turning back to where the coyote had been standing. he found the dragoness standing there with her.

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Crash Course

Quickly, the dragon spanned out his wings, but the suit was still in tacked around his body, and the excess weight was straining. now, the drag from his wings caused him and the suit to shift in position.

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The Tiger and the Taxi

He merely walked down the street, massive feet moving unabated by the extra girth he had tacked on. randall watched him walk away for about a minute, then immediately got on his phone and dialed.

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