The Patchwork Soldier part VII
Ever since he was assigned to my flagship, that tac officer-i'd never bothered to remember his name- had always seemed to know exactly what order i was about to give.
Let's Get Lucky
This entire building was an edifice to lucky's evil plans, a flagship, if you will, and we decided that in order for this little undertaking to come to a successful conclusion, it had to be brought down along with lucky.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 8
It was no different with this flagship or its officers like captain calvin redding. this ship was massive with very little crewmembers aboard it but it was not built for luxury.
Dark Lord Substitute 24
They formed the usual defensive formations around the flagship, taking up a rotating sphere formation. they were damaged, though, and several showed signs of minor malfunctions in their running lights.
The Naked Man
It had been six months or so since he had moved to work at the new albrecht brothers flagship store in the stepford center, the huge mall outside town, and he had only been seen infrequently since.
Truth and Consequences: Chapters 1 and 2
He looked back at the transceiver's screen and recognized that the transmission codes belonged to jason's flagship, the thresher kone.
Welcome to the Abyss
The flagship of the sky navy, specifically designed to enter the slipstream and the abyss beyond, had been rendered powerless within a matter of moments, and ensign jonas ryder hadn't even been able to catch a signal glimpse of their adversary before the sensors
A Dark History, A New Story... (Prologue)
It's just a small exploration fleet conformed by a fully equipped and armed (gf css1c-a) tyrant class battleship to act as the flagship, two (gf edss-a) space escort cruisers, and a set of small ships for reconnaissance and light combat that are not yet in
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Fouteen
It was his mission to escort the marten onto the flagship so they could negotiate with fury to give command back over to commander cassander. "no, it hasn't," jun shortly answered. tiriaq caught a glimpse into the marten's eyes.
An Evening at 'Ricky's'
'ricky's' (creatively named after the owner) could almost be considered a flagship in modern sexual services, casting off the dilapidated and haggard rags of old and donning a business suit tailored to perfection.
The Broken Chapter 2
flagship of the blackwatch."
Hungry Hecklers
Each remark chipped at the hypnotist's patience, until they readied to call their volunteer for the flagship trick. "plant!" cal shouted. "plant!" blair echoed.