Daemon - Chapter 10 (New Zangar)

The merchants had a similar area to park their wagons, but their area was far more heavily patrolled. it was one of the most attractive features for merchants who came to new zangar to trade.

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Geography part 1

Men rule their family but must be sane, merchants may sell what they please but should a person eat a piece of poison food he sold him then the merchant too will be poisoned.


The Comforting Words of a Reptile Stranger Version 2

You see, andreas's family was not wealthy but they were all craftsmen and travelling merchants who knew how to build and use what little they could afford and turn it into something lavish.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.3 Doen

Stopping in front of a glass window i turned to regard my reflection, "what do you call a band of travelers who are abandoned by the ferret merchant traveling with them?" pause for effect, "...us!"

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To Protect or Serve Instalment 1

Loosing even a single prominent merchant because she appeared too rigid could lead to a mass exodus of merchants, conversely the opposite was true with the labor unions.

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Skyrim Mini-Story The Death of Edion Silvarius

R'savi will go to the merchant who sold the map to him, and you will go the cave to find this thief and catch him," the khajiit said, his eyes aglitter with excitement, his tail dancing.

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Dark city later chapters

"like a merchant?" alessa asked sharply. "it's nothing against your family honey." simmons explained. "my family are merchants." alessa pointed out sharply.

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Failing the Test

It was one thing to make friends in captivity, but mike seriously doubted a free-raised dog would want anything to do with him, even if evals kept insisting she was a merchant and 'the absolute best sister ever'.

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Suffer the Children

merchant?" the cougar never looked up. when the fox didn't answer back, he flipped an annoyed glance up from his reading. "what is it that you're holding mr. merchant? come here."

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 19: The Sergeant's Ruse

Most of the incidents had involved merchants traveling towards kitair or olaraa or valar. digran had insisted that if any rogarian merchants were attacked, it was dane's job to deal with the situation.

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Chapter 2 Allies met

Thorval muttered, as he hurried out of the merchant's tent, glad to get away from the greedy merchant. _'you knew what he was when you agreed to work for him.'_thorval thought swearing silently within his own head, even as he greeted the newcomers.

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