long Ago
I would echo within my woodlands vivid depictions illustrating tales, for all animals and even some human druids to savour. their admiration and favour en-powered me, granting me the power to compose greater creations.
How it all begins
The massive hyena stomped through the woodlands in a bit of a mood, he was tired, hungry, cold and he itched, all but the last one he could stand but the itching was rapidly reaching a point to drive him mad.
Far From Home: Prologue
Her attacker was not a normal woodland predator. this creature walks as a man most of the time, but upon the rise of a full moon, his body contorts and changes.
Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 9
Beyond that lay the cora, its woodland blanket spilling past its base and sending long fingers of spruce and maple into the valley.
A Trio: Chapter 3; The Beach
Meadows, woodlands, fields and shores, these little paws are yours, are yours. if you don't give me a kiss... i will tickle paws like this... it took a while, but lia eventually worked through the callouses.
Caldo Tomate and the Golden Bouillon - A Silverplate Story
With the benefit of height it soars easily over miles, watching the vegetation below transform from desert to shrub, to woodland and then full forest.
Pet Love (Reciprocation)
I looked back down to the cellitoke woodland, wondering what was taking styreks so long. curious, i hopped over the ledge of my patio and glided down into the area i had last seen my pet.
Chapter 3; Broken Hand and Deals
The region's mighty woodland's trees parted along the trail and road allowing the warm sun to hit the ground, but close enough to provide shade if need be.
Chapter 56: Survived The Fight of the Life.
Thanks to the hooded figure, the woodland was contaminated with glitches in form of a black mist. alphonse, the white eye agumon, used his power to purify the land from the mist.
The Woodland Visitor Ch 17: A Beautiful Gem
#18 of the woodland visitor the woodland visitor ch 17: a beautiful gem i ran as fast as i could down the street to where it lay.
Target XY
It was just as i was entering the edge of the woodland that i sensed something. as my hairs stood on end, as i embraced my sixth sense, i barely heard the faint whisper of a voice from above me. "no one will notice me up here."
The Forest
The woodland itself was like a single, living organism in its unity, and it might have consumed the world were it not held in check by occasional forest fires and the odd blight.