The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Brad Part 2

It was considered cannibalism, the number one ultimate taboo. yes, it was very rare, but the karn did on occasion make mistakes, and one of their biggest was underestimating the resilience of the human spirit, even in the bodies of beasts.

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Imperfect Memories

Were only going by vague directions and we wound up in this creepy little town, the whole time we were trying to find our way out we were making up stories about how, there is some kind of diabolical evil lurking within the town, that maybe they trap and cannibalize

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Dining Upon Friends

Some of the meat the mate fed the human was in fact human flesh, though the human never asked what it was, he would just eat, as far as being a cannibal.....

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*Cub* Teemo and Fizz: In The Bushes - 2012

All the fish had been fresh and nobody made any jokes about him being a cannibal for eating it. if he weren't taking his time to enjoy the afternoon sunlight, he never would have noticed the form hiding in the nearby park's bushes on his way back.

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Lyra's Game -- Chapter 2

An awkward moment -- for lyra, at least -- passed when she attempted to sit up and to cover herself as best she could while she alternated between looking apprehensively toward her captors and turning her head away in shame; little of the wolf and cannibal

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Lovers Dancing [ Installment 1 ]

Some suspected he had some super state-of-the-art or perhaps even cannibalized or reverse-engineered alien tech implants that were so well hidden to help him censor himself, among other things.

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Legend of the thunder lord

Frozen to death, devoured by beast, fallen in pits, died of hunger, succumbed to cannibalism... so many fates awaited the unprepared. «you know yuuril, you still can turn back now; there is no shame in changing your mind, after all...»

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Perspectives: Part 1 - Human Adoration

He wanted nothing more than to prove himself to kelekona by fighting with great ferocity, and cannibalizing those he had slain in an effort to gain their strength.

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Red Moon: Chapter 1

It was on the verge of cannibalism since they were related to them, but dmitri was starving and needed something. he shifted in his human form.

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Heat Tempering

Are demons cannibals? vegan? do they impale hearts with their horns? "will it be painful?" the dragon finally finds the willpower to ask. "yes," eglid says. she reaches under the table, and now cilia sees the demon holds her coiled whip.

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The Galactic Leonian Empire

cannibalism is not a taboo among the leonians, although less preferred of an option. a ship stranded in the void of space will certainly kill non-essential personnel for the express purpose of extending ration supply without qualms.

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