Burning for you - Heated ambitions

"fine, who's darius?" his curiosity was sparked as she winced at the very mention of his name. he did not want to cause her any pain but this was too interesting to let pass. "darius..." she sighed again. "darius is gareth's younger brother...

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Eclipse of the Moon - Chapter 1

Alle standen auf und folgten darius dann aus dem raum hinaus und am hangar hauptgang. sindy schnurrte auf den weg zur küche.

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Confidence Boost - Lion TF

darius grinned from ear to ear, walking on ahead as he led his new pal to his favourite burger bar.

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3 vs 1 Handicap Match: Firr, Boom and Caiden vs Crash McCloud

If you're just joining i am now joined by my spanish colleague darius koopa! que passo, darius!" "let's send it back up to our ring announcer for out next contest!"

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Pray Pt. 3

darius said trying to calm my mother. i finally lowered my head back down and away from anyone's gaze after seeing the originally friendly get-together start to head south.

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Nothing Greater: Chapter 8

\* \* \* as drek busied himself with the class, seria and darius had gone off together for the first time in a while.

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Mark of the Chosen - CH.1 Revised

He edged closer to manawyhn, suddenly understanding why king darius would want to protect the people of aslennor from an unfocussed aggression. would they go around burning unsegregated towns without king darius's decree?

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The Mark of the Chosen - Ch. 1

"so, king darius really does mean no ill will." "perhaps," manawyhn said.

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Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter 4

The grizzly special summoned gladiator beast equeste, which let him add his gladiator beast darius from the grave back to his hand. and with that he ended his turn.

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Not Alone (prologue)

The teacher turned to darius "well go head and choose a seat and sit down". i kept my eyes closed and hoped that he doesn't choose the open seat next to me. i heard a few footsteps and the stopped right in front of my desk.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 23

"and what the ind--the anarchists did to that poor man is deplorable," darius said. "his implant has been disrupted on a molecular level.

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03 - The Song of the Family

darius has the camera in his hands." "this is fantastic, guys," nathaniel said. "it's like i'm right there." "yeah, now watch this," darius said. there was a brief flicker between images and darius face was smiling at nathaniel. "i see you, darius."

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