Apprentice Book 3

#3 of the apprentice apprentice book 3 - m/m/f/f, caressing/oral/plot/angst - may 07, 2007 by afril (cl) 2007 the gay furry association tama and his apprentice, book 3 note - i think of maia is a young teenager (hence the 'f'), and lae as an

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The Apprentice, Book 2

#2 of the apprentice apprentice book 2 - m/m/m, caressing/oral/anal - may 05, 2007 by afril (cl) 2007 the gay furry association tama and his apprentice, book 2 chapter 1 - rand's father tama was sitting at his desk, looking at numbers.

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The Dragon Caretaker Apprentice.

Four months have gone past since he obtained a job as a caretaker apprentice on the dragon island habitat called zeverus, a job that he despises simply because he has to deal with dragons day in, day out which he hates most of all.

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Mages Apprentice - Prologue -

Mages apprentice - prologue - (c) cederwyn whitefurr 14 february, 2012 all rights reserved.

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A Familiar Apprentice 03

#3 of a familiar apprentice third chapter in the continuing saga of takajit and sulava. chapter 03 i still felt strange about the situation i found myself in - straddling a dragon-mage, kissing her, and rubbing down her heavy shaft.

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A Familiar Apprentice 02

#2 of a familiar apprentice continuing the story of takajit and the dragon magician who takes him on as an apprentice. chapter 02 on the sixth morning after i met sul'ava, i woke up and stretched out, yawning hugely.

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Apprentice Chapter 3

#3 of the apprentice jake opened his eyes, suddenly awake, and blinked up the stone ceiling of his room, pausing a moment to think back on the actions of the previous night.

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Apprentice to the Greasemonkey 01

#1 of short stories ** apprentice to the greasemonkey

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Apprentice to the Greasemonkey 02

The nocturnal city noises were no longer noticed by valtter, for he was giving his direct attention to his teacher as was the dragon was focused unto his apprentice.

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From Apprentice to Master

Ever since I was young I wanted to learn magic whether it was the power to bend the elements at my fingertips or levitate objects into the air magic was an amazing skill that I wanted to learn. However my master Raigyo doesn't teach me anything, I...

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Wizard's Apprentice 2

You wash yourself and your robes in a lake as best you can after having a very smelly ride with your new, blue skunktaurgon teacher, who wants you to call him 'Master' and is currently relieving himself on a nearby tree. The glistening cool water laps...

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