frist test a dead world chapter three
He says as he sets about raising the solar collector out of the sand; as they come up two drones begin to make repairs to the semi-damaged collector. the drones look like scorpions as they crawl across the surface of the collector making repairs.
Elsewhere, Chapter 1: Displaced
The repair bay loomed directly in front of the shuttles, its severed edges still glowing faintly, as if the hull had been vaporized. but the rest of the debris...
Guardians: Downfall
They continued to stair a the tank for a while until they had to return to the ship to help with repairs.
Raff and the Starship of Knowledge
** **mechanical and electronic repair / scanners** ? nuff said. to be continued.
02A - Much Earlier...
Instead remote drones and robotic helpers would be used to carry out repairs if they were ever needed. and these places tend to be so solid, so dependable that they never needed repair. take this drainage tank, for instance.
Clown Mare 8-1
I couldn't repair them since they always seem to get so small during the laundry when some of it dries off. i could get it tailored but however it would be repaired. i could just buy a new one."
Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 17
"that's because your brain is swollen at the moment and is actually pushed up against some of the repaired area. right now would be a bad idea to get into a boxing match," he laughs.
Chapter 1 - Unforseen Consquences
This vessel had seen more then its fair share of combat, it was a damaged ship, in need of constant repair. "bridge... i cannot release the mag-locks" said eclypse as his voice grew frustrated.
Payment Due
"well, dusk," the large lumberjack of a horse started, "i don't have any gold to pay for the repairs to my ax." he smiled at the imposing bull who was equal in his height but no doubt beefier.
Merciful aliens
.** **joey** **stopped rolling on the bed**** , "repair? this sounds crazy, **** doctors said you can't repair torn hymen. ****"** **she rose and sat up in bed, listening.** **"don****' ****t underestimate our technology.
Nova Wars 3: Disguise
Not much resistance down there, either, as he imagined that most of the crew were either on repair duty or controlling the drones that were executing the more precise repairs. that left lorkos at the bridge.
Tales of the Traveller, Chapter 9- Pirates of the Void, Part 2: Port Thranal
The plan was that once the repairs were done, they'd be leaving to find a safer port for the crew to have some leave. but now they'd been here for days. soon, they'd be repaired enough to depart and they'd be gone.