Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Pt.1

Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Commissioned by Yolk The Genophage had devastated the Krogan race for centuries, and no one seemed to care. Oh sure, it was in the back of the mind of every Krogan in the galaxy, but it sure...

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Copycat Problems

Evelynn leaned over the counter to listen to the receptionist as she continued to chatter about the facilities of the gym, shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously and nodding along politely. Really, the orange tabby cat wasn't even sure about...

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One way to feel refreshed

Before any more could leak out his roommate pressed the buttplug against him, and with one more hard shove they slid it all the way in with a wet slurp.

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Always Kennel Your Pets (7/7)

As day turned to night Newlyn and Serathin were no longer the only dragons inside of the house; along with Riven the midnight black dragon had also elected to invite a few of his friends over. Almost all of the rubber creatures Newlyn had seen at...

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Regaling a Rutting

"Kay, so... It's down the road, one left... Skip the next right, then turn... and..." Nicola took a deep breath as she walked. She was in an utterly unfamiliar part of town, and the size of every person in this district, compared to her? Absolutely...

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Laughing All the Way to the...

A bank, a few friends, and one mistake is all it takes to ruin a good Halloween scheme. No matter how planned out, how perfectly theorized, there's bound to be a hitch or two. Those hitches could put the entire operation, and possibly the crew...

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All The Way Through

I've always been a bit different, I guess you could say. Not physically, mind you, but rather, mentally. If you were to line me up with all the other ponies my age, nothing would really set me apart. I'm average height, somewhat toned and muscular from...

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A Surprise Plant

It didn't take long before Vyrnen had been transferred from the land of technology to the almost completely opposite realm of nature, even though they had to stop briefly in a different park for the hand-off. Instead of the kitsune that had tried...

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The Vore House of Klyneth - A Predator Through and Through

A Predator Through and Through The lithe olive python naga snaked his way between all four of the blue quadruped dragon's legs before curling up in front of him, rubbing noses, cupping his chin with his palms. "Dammit Firon! You're entirely too soft...

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"Spelunking Gone Wrong"

**Spelunking Gone Wrong - Story by Kaz** **Chapter 1: In Over His Head** The dragon stopped to catch his breath, standing atop a sharp cliff-like hill. The sun was beating down on him, sweat beading on his forehead and rolling down his body. Xan...

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The Annual Morphsuit Marketing Division All-Hands Conference

The Annual Morphsuit Marketing Division All-Hands Conference A SynTech Story By Danath Characters © Darwen \* \* \* The vice president of Morphsuit Research and Development tugged at his tie with his large, smooth fingers. The orca's wide...

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Rubbed the Right Way (2/2)

Vyle sighed as he once more attempted to read by the light of the lantern that he kept underneath the counter as the storm raged on outside of the bodega. He wasn't sure why he had to stay open since no one except for possibly his friend Intel...

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