
Sure, his publisher had sent him to europe for a book signing, and he was grateful for the semi-vacation, but they'd added a stopover in frankfurt at the last minute and he knew it would be the end of him.

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode 10

"and you did wonderful with the book signing. for a moment i forgot that you were once a slave." "thank you master," eros said with little enthusiasm. "but i am still a slave. you are my master." "no you aren't. you aren't anymore. i freed you.

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Convinced of Greatness (HH)

He mused as he took out his book-signing pen. "that is too kind," the tiger said, "let me at least pay for it."

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Hangover: Cowbell Cure

A year later her friend monty was having another book signing at the local mall. his first signing ever was a bit of a disaster thanks to astrid.

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Comfort Zone: Ch.3

The slideshow was showing various book signings by a lot of authors matt enjoyed. "this essay is pretty bland.

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Not Going Extinct 2

And there was a book signing going on. harriet saw part of one of the signs advertising the event, most of it blocked by those in line. she bobbed her head a little and carried on with jenny and steve.

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Gray's Christmas - a CTContest entry

The book signings, the tv talk circuit, the guest appearances. it was great; to become a bit of a minor celebrity. even got to be a guest judge on 'celebrity idol'. somewhere along the way, it turned. slowly at first, but it turned.

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Friday the Thirteenth Part I

"nothing insanely busy like yesterday with the book signing," i nodded, "it was pretty hectic." "sounded like it when you told me about it," victor mimicked my nod. "must've been a great day, though." "it was," i agreed with a smile.

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Comfort Zone: Ch.5

Being a small town with a small population allowed him to do this in comparison to big city shops where a book signing was more like a mechanised assembly line.

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10. Plotting fox

Anythin' ya wod like us ta' know 'bout yer book signing? i know brandy's already spoken with yer manager 'bout it, but sum last minute demand purrhups?" lola purred towards the end of her sentence, occasionally looking between the fox and i.

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Furries University Chapter 36: My Angel's Thanatos

"so there you have it, citizens of south east virginia, if you're a fan of the writer tyler stillwell then you can help out his cause, and possibly get your books signed" "thanks mary, i have to say a lot of up and coming writers go to fu, the classes

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The Vampire and the Chosen One Ch. 2

"i promised my mom i'd be there after her book signing was done. she was going to pick me up. plus, i want to check and see if they have a guitar for sale." kevin said. "okay. let's go." aiden said, getting up and holding out his hand.

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