Transformed Dragons Rescue Center

It was my very first culture shock i received from a dragon. now i know that when they mean something, there's no way to negotiate it - they're deeply individualist.


Rise of the Zootopian Star Republic, Chapter 1

#21 of fanfiction five years after the orbital bombardment, zootopia has recovered from the culture shock and has reverse-engineered the debris from the space battle to venture out into the zol system.

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A Rose from the East - Part One

"yuki," the girl replied as she took the offered paw, still getting used to the culture shock of the grasp being preferred to the bow, "it is a pleasure to meet you daniel-kun."

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Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 11

Generally there is so much of a culture shock for td14's that you almost never want them to be left to their own devices any more than is really necessary. so, we always try and buddy them up with someone to help them with day to day life.

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the storm of storms

I almost felt a culture shock when i spent my first night not being having to entertain the ranting of a drunkard, not that i am complaining of course. though i still felt like i had been denied something in my father.

Coming Out. Part 1

After that was discussed dad made a joke about who was going to have the bigger culture shock, uncle b or the cruise line and passengers? luke and i both said the cruise line.

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After the Storm - Part 4 [The Patrol - Part 1]

He was so used to the simple country life that he feels culture-shocked to be walking within a city so modern in appearance. "aw, it's not a decent thing to do you know, that staring of yours." charlie pushed up jason's jaw to close the riolu's mouth.

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Hard Landing

Which can wait until i've got over some of the culture shock, methinks. so, next question. what are the odds of anyone being able to send me home?

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Abandoned story - Mutagenic hospital

"it's also been a culture shock. an ongoing... culture shock. it's like, the mutagenic have always been there, but i've never really taken part in their world.

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Anthrian Crew - Intro

We've had some issues with new volunteers dropping out because of what basically boils down to culture shock.

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